what do u like to have after lunch or dinner?

2006-06-25 5:12 am

回答 (15)

2006-06-25 5:17 am
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2006-06-25 5:09 pm
something sweet, but not too sweet.
2006-06-25 2:58 pm
a cigarette....
2006-06-25 12:51 pm
chocolate ice cream wit chocolate syrup and a couple of chocolate cookies
2006-06-25 12:34 pm
Hot water or tea :)
2006-06-25 12:25 pm
A nice cup of tea
2006-06-25 12:25 pm
2006-06-25 12:23 pm
whatever who im with at the time is eating or what im craving at the time.
2006-06-25 12:22 pm
a small snack
2006-06-25 12:21 pm
A stick of gum.
2006-06-25 12:20 pm
2006-06-25 12:16 pm
an orgasm. <can you say orgasm in the community guidelines?>
2006-06-25 12:16 pm
a cigarette
2006-06-25 12:15 pm
Often a nap, and perhaps a light dessert,.
2006-06-25 12:15 pm
Coffee or dessert.

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