Is the reason why Japan has such a low crime rate is because there is no muslims, hispanics, or blacks?

2006-06-25 3:26 am

回答 (15)

2006-06-25 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Japan is a homogeneous society, which means, "Yes, it's because there are no Muslims, Mestizos or blacks". So is China, and for the same reason.
2006-06-25 3:54 am
This is such a racist question. And I am not even Muslim, Hispanic or black.

Japan has a low crime rate because they are generally disciplined and respectful people. At the same time the economy is doing well thus there is no need for much strife.

I mean check it out, most kids are just worrying about what new phone to get. ;-)
2006-06-27 2:14 pm
Perhaps it's because Japan has less "Americans" ....??????

But you should know, you ARE one!!!!
; )

BTW, you've said that you want to live in Japan. Please don't bring such racist nonsense with you!
2006-06-29 8:23 am
how can i say this....

lets say a 20 year old male, rapes a his punishment, to put it nicely, something gets cut off.

that is why japan has low crime.
2006-06-25 4:26 am
i concur with answer no. 6, 10 and 13
2006-06-25 4:20 am
No. It's mostly because their culture is, basically, conformist. IOW, it goes against their very nature to commit any anti-social acts or to "stick out, like a sore thumb" in any way whatsoever.

A secondary reason is that they don't have the "right to bear arms," so they can't go around shooting one another as easily as we Yanks can.

Also--at least historically (it may not be as true nowadays as it was in the past)--if they had severe problems, they used to find a "solution" in committing ritual suicide, rather than committing crimes against other people.


Your inference that crime is directly related to race and/or religion is both shallow and insulting--not to mention anti-social.

Your annoyance with some races and religions is around "violent" crime. However, please consider this: Do you have any idea how much "white collar" crime is committed by professional-class, Caucasian males, and how much suffering--and on a massive scale--has been caused by some of those selfish miscreants? I'm talking about the loss of thousands of people's entire retirement investments here! Maybe they didn't stick a gun in anyone's face, and maybe they didn't blow anyone away--but they ruined lots of people's lives.

Now, let's talk about violent crime: I believe that this is more social-class-correlated than it is race-correlated. Historically, it's been recent--and LEGAL--immigrants of European or East Asian extraction--who were poor, uneducated, and underclass--who have perpetuated organized crime in this country (Sicilian Mafia, Russian Mob, Tongs, etc.). In other words, being tempted to commit crimes on ones own or to join gangs has everything to do with social class and little to do with race per se--and you're not going to see someone like Colin Powell or Larry Elder or Condi Rice committing crimes of violence, because they're educated and were raised in homes that were at least middle-class. It is "underclass" people--of all races--who disproportionately commit crimes. Furthermore, criminals tend to disproportionately victimize people from their own social milieu. Tongs victimize their fellow Chinese, the Russian Mob victimizes recent Russian immigrants, home invasions tend to be committed against VietNamese by other VietNamese, underclass Blacks are gunning one another down in the streets, etc., etc.

As for illegal aliens--many, but not all, of whom are Hispanic: In order to be an illegal, you are, by definition a "scofflaw." IOW, if one commits a crime just to BE here, then that infers that one is likely to be willing to break any law for ones own benefit. It's not that Hispanics are somehow "racially evil"; the problem is one of being underclass, being a de facto criminal just be being here, or both.

Now, let's talk about Muslims: Muslims-in-general are not bad people. However, religious fanatics often ARE bad people (unfortunately, they truly believe that they're doing what God tells them to do and that they are the ONLY good people!).

And religious fanatics can be from any religion at all, including Christianity. And--again--a HUGE amount of religion-inspired violence in the world is actually being committed by fanatical Muslims against other Muslims. If you remember your history, the Catholics and the Protestants literally massacred one another by the tens of thousands (or maybe more?) in Europe during The Hundred Years' War--nevermind what they did to Pagans, Jews, and Muslims during Christianity's formative years! It has been said that, "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it." And I fear that the Shiites and the Sunnis may just go the way of the Catholics and Protestants of old if they don't learn from history and stop this sectarian fanaticism before it's too late--nevermind what they've done--and what they'd like to do--to the Christians, Jews, and Hindus!
2006-06-25 4:15 am
Not only there in Sweden there is very low crime rate.
The society teach them good.
參考: Sewden
2006-06-25 3:58 am
There is crime in japan too. The nature of crime is different there. There are hispanics, muslims and blacks in japan too and they commit crimes too but due to their advance technology get caught by the police.
2006-06-25 3:44 am
it may be because they dont piss around, a simple infraction may mean a lashing. unlike in our country where you cant even touch your children. race and or poverty does play a role in a crime rate area, in any area for that matter. education is the key. many a man, black or white or otherwise has gone above and beyond because of education whether self taught or some sort of schooling.
2006-06-25 3:43 am
very, very, interesting
2006-06-25 3:42 am
The Japanese people are not indigenous to that island. Believe it or not, they have Aboriginals. They are or were called "Ainu" and live mostly on Hokkaido. They share a lot of caucasian traits.
2006-06-25 3:35 am
Japan has the highest suicide rate, and you should move there. Buy a gun.
2006-06-25 3:31 am
No, it's because there's no Japanese people there.
2006-06-25 3:31 am
Stop asking silly questions and reply to my e-mail! Yes, you can assert your views, but please defend them against my attacks too, RAWR! That's the only way to have a debate!

(And may I add... few whites either, hmph. But yes, it's probably in their culture to abide to their OWN laws; here in Taiwan, the Japanese are rather notorious for smoking wherever there's a "No Smoking" sign posted...)
2006-06-25 3:30 am
Wrong. It has nothing to do with that. The Japanese society of the whole chose to be law abiding citizen.

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