OMG, I can't believe I did that...?

2006-06-24 5:43 pm
My friends and I went out for dinner and I saw a cute guy sitting across the way...I thought it would be a good idea to smile and bat my eyes at him when I took a sip out of my straw...but when I bent down, the straw went up my nose. I sat back up and the straw came out of the drink with my nose. I turned beat red. ha....
Any one else have stories like that?

回答 (32)

2006-06-24 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That's pretty funny. I have tripped when trying to get a woman's attention, but I think your story is better. I don't like to use straws, now I like them less.
2006-06-25 2:51 am
You know, that reminds me of Ginny Weasley. Put your elbow in the butter dish!!

And no, I don't think something like that ever happened to me. I don't try to impress people, and I didn't need to flirt at all because I could just pick from my group of platonic boy friends (two words) :p
2006-06-24 5:53 pm
ROFFL Way to impress him honey!!!!

A friend and I were in a BBQ joint on a lake once, these two little cuties kept looking over at us and giggling, kinda flirting and stuff, I looked down and my plums were hangin outa my swimsuit. I know exactly how you felt sittin there with that straw hangin out yer nose
2006-06-24 5:52 pm
LOL, you poor thing!!

I went to a Karaoke bar once and the best singer won a t-shirt. Well, I wanted this t-shirt so I sung my little heart out, only to be beaten by a guy at the next table.
I asked if he could find it in his heart to let me have it and we ended up flirting and giggling most of the night.
It was very loud in this place, and I had a few to drink, so I eventually went in for the kill to get this t-shirt, that I felt I should have won.
I leant forward and shouted at him "if you give me the shirt I will give you a bl0wj0b"...... Just as the music stopped and the lights went up!
Everyone looked at me, and the floor wouldn't open up and swallow me!!
2006-06-24 5:52 pm
yes- i wuz on a date with my bf and we were @ the movies. he leaned over to kiss me and i wanted to have sex with him so bad that i blurted out-"i want u to help me get an orgasm!" everyone in the movie theatre looked @ me and stared i wuz so embarassed that i ran into the bathroom and sat there for the rest of the movie we didnt talk all the way home the next nite when he called me he said he wanted 2 have sex 2 but wuz 2 afraid of what id say 2 ask so the next nite we "did it" and we both had an orgasm! i actually had 3! lol i hope this makes u feel better!
參考: my embarassing self
2006-06-24 5:50 pm
Yes, actually a little worse. I was visiting a college and was walking and came across a beautiful woman. Of course I turned my head to let her know I was admiring her from afar and wack bam boom walked right into a pillar. Now, the people in attendance: Secretary 3 ft away, my sister, the teacher I was speaking with, at least a dozen other people. To make it worse I left my wallet behind so I had to drive back and get it and walk in the same area where the pillar was.

PS - I would of thought it was cute that you did that....would of given me a reason to talk to you....."Excuse me would you like another straw?" I get red real quick too. **Next time ask for the straws that bend.
參考: Unfortuantely, my experience.
2006-06-24 5:49 pm
haha... thats a funny think u did!
2006-06-24 5:49 pm
How about sitting in a nice hotel on a wedding reception, trying to impress other with your etiquette and suddenly you have this urge to laugh and you do and snort water out of your nose. ;)
2006-06-24 5:48 pm
It's a classic out-with-friends girl moment. It happens a lot more often than you think.
2006-06-24 5:48 pm
I Don't have to impress anybody cause IM PERFECT
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
One time I was out with my friends to the movies, and I saw the guy I like with his friends across the way. So I decided to approach them to tell them to sit with us to see the movie as a group, but I was drinking alot of when I went up to him, and I openned my mouth I accidentally burped really loud in his face...he just stared at me and I went excuse me and ran back to my friends-which laughed for days at me.
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
i don't.....but that's a funny story.sorry that happened to you...
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
Well, I run into sliding glass doors and screens on a regular basis. Then again, I have an excuse (visually impaired). I run into the sides of doorways, too.
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
Ohhh how embarrassing!

I have a good way of helping those situations. When you move back with the straw in your nose, look at him and give a big exaggerated wink. If nothing else, he'll know you have a great sense of humor!
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
almost. i was sitting across from a girl i liked and i was drinking a milkshake. she made me laugh and it came out my nose and all over her shirt. LOL

you got pwned
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
How funny. If I was a guy and a girl did that and she laughed afterward, I would definitely ask her out. It's so sexy when people can laugh at their own faux pas.
2006-06-24 5:47 pm
I was walking with my friends on the sidewalk one night when we were club hopping and some really cute guys in a car slowed down to say hi to us. I immediately started flirting back and one guy asked me for my number when I realized I had stepped on a wad of bubble gum with my brand new stilletos. Cute, huh?
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
Yes; you try to impress someone and it goes totaly wrong!!!!!
lol ;)
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
That's so cute.

I don't have any stories like that because either they didn't happen or I blocked them out of my mind because of embarassment. I almost walked into a pole once when I was checking out a really hot guy.
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
No, I have never attempted to impress any one. That was a funny story though! LOL Did you go over and talk to him any way???
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
I don't really have a similar story, but I just wanted to say thanks for brightening my day.

What happened is funny, but it's your sense of humor about it that makes me smile.

Better luck next time, and gods bless. :)
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
Not like THAT one. ha ha ha!
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
I was in a shoe store one time trying on some heels when I saw a hot guy and I tried to show off, only to trip and fall flat on my face. I was humiliated!
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
i wish i was there..
2006-06-24 5:46 pm
did you get the guy
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
Nope,lots of ugly girls in Ohio (if anyone is not ugly & lives in Ohio then,I am sorry.) anyways,oh well.
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
ROFLMAO awesome!
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
Uh not lately...come to think of it, not ever...
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
Nope, I don't like impressing people much. being myself works well.
2006-06-24 5:45 pm
did u go over and talk to him???

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