illegal illegal illegal is that whats bothering every one yea right?

2006-06-24 6:20 am
all of a sudden americans are worried about some workers breaking a law about there paperwork not being in order?
Where was this concern about enforcing laws when europeans invaded america who spoke up then, where was your concern when ethnic cleansing of american indians was happening, where were you when armys gave american indians a gift of blankets for women and children contaminated with small pox to wipe out a whole tribe I think they call that biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction now don't they .
Where were you when the U.S. invaded texas then mexican territory starting the war.
Where you when U.S. military put the hawaiian Queen in prison and stole her lands, when they were friendly loving people with aloha for all visitors . You dont know your history because your government doesnt want you to know the real details and keep you dumb. Thats also why public high school does not teach law but they expect you to abide by every one ever written.

回答 (20)

2006-06-24 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
well said.
the British spread small pox in 1763 in the Ohio valley

then the u.s in 1836 fort Clark on the Missouri river
small pox contaminated blankets

If your grandparents stole something when you were not around and its now in your possession ,then give it back or take the blame for benefiting from it.
2006-06-25 11:59 pm
Mexicans, Rhodesians, Guatemalans, everybody needs to go home, and fix their own problems, in thier own home countries, and stop asking american taxpayers to carry them's drowning in debt. Buy a clue, read a paper, fix your own problems...
2006-06-25 12:06 am
Well said "hexador04" awesome answer!!!!
2006-06-24 10:36 pm
first of all, invading anyone's land is not a good thing. however, if the US invaded territories, those invaded terretories prospered, just like Guam and Puerto Rico. If not for the US of A those terretories would be in the 3rd world level. they should be thankful
2006-06-24 9:23 pm
The poor ol' indians ... libs always bring them out when they want to complain how horrible the United States is.

It amazes me why people even stay in a country they clearly despise.

If everyone who hated America would just leave, it would make it a whole lot better for the rest of us.
2006-06-24 8:34 pm
What about our history of keeping illegals out and not having our laws followed?

To follow your assumptions, no country has any right to follow a rule of LAW.

I get a kick out of your analysis we should all go back to being hunter gatherers.

And when I went to high school, you bet they had law classes, I don't know what it's like today.

I am glad you agree that even though Mexico killed Aztechs to extinction, they have more of a right to exist than America.

Keep trying to convince people America doesn't exist and there's no such thing as an American citizen. You will be exposed for your lies.
2006-06-24 5:09 pm
I think the decision between those legislation, cause there would be profound problem after the green card game. so i think there might be no more green card for 12 million people, but just tiny little of them could get it though.
2006-06-24 2:32 pm
Are you nuts I wasn't born then, and that has nothing to do with what is going on now, a few illegals crossing, how about 12 millions crossing the border and criminals with them, not being checked for diseases not checking to see if their criminals. TB in America was gone, now it's back and has been traced to illegal immigrants and it's the worst kind very hard to treat, they come across with aides, then they screw every tom, dick and harry they can get their hands on, and they say nothing about having aides. What happened back then I can do nothing about, but I have a right to say who comes into my country and who stays. I no my history and we didn't start the war of 1848 Texas wanted to annex it's self to America, because Santa Anna was a dictator, and that started the war Texas did not want to be apart of Mexico, You lucky we didn't take Mexico city also. No public school do not teach law, you have to go to law school for that. They still have no right to come here it is against the law, and it's against the law in Mexico also, only it's a felony in Mexico, and that is the same law our government tried to pass, why is it ok for Mexico to have that law and not us. I am tired of Mexico exporting their poor and uneducated to my country, they don't care about their own people, if their people had assets they would encourage them to stay, but they don't so the government is trying to get rid of as many possible. Quit complaining to us and go fix the country you love so much Mexico.
2006-06-24 2:17 pm
Surely you have learned something from the posts----ILLEGALS are causing problems. And they all have been stated. What don't you understand? We will try slower for you.
2006-06-24 1:57 pm
there r some really dumb people answering your question.
The point is: illegal immigration was never an issue until the Osama bin laden terror attack! ever since they suddenly realized that people from other countries are in America and they r afraid there will be a second osma. but before that nobody talked about it.
2006-06-24 1:57 pm
Look... we can go back to the cavemen with this argument.

There's nobody living anywhere that didn't take the land from somebody at some point.

The USA borders today are recognized by the world body and that's the borders we're going to use regardless of your history lesson.

It's not about the paperwork not being in order...or even about breaking the law...

It's about going against the reasons for the law.

There are people trying to get here legally who can't because of those who sneak in... Imagine going to a concert buying tickets and you cant get in because the place is full of the fence climbers.

We have a certain number of immigrants we can absorb...those places should be given to the ones who follow the legal process.

The illegals are overburdening our social services

They are taking our jobs

They're sending much of their earnings abroad

They are not contributing to the tax base

You want to come here? Get in line!

*********************'re mistaken....this issue comes up every several years... then we make them all legal...then we get overburdened again several years later...and again...and again...and again
2006-06-24 1:39 pm
The part about public hi-school is so true; when i was 12 a police officer got mad at me because i didn't know gambling was illegal....Well i saw them doing it on TV, their security was the L.V.P.D.
2006-06-24 1:35 pm
Where was I? I was not born, I had no voice yet. Now I do and I think Immigration is fine as long as it is legal I do not condone my country invading peoples lands and homes and tearing down cultures and societies. But I do not want others moving in illegally doing the same to mine. I pay taxes but they don't and they get to reap the benefits. I say make everyone pay taxes, no more deportation unless they are criminals. Allow no one to be allowed credit or government benefits unless they are honest tax payers. If you don't make enough to file then there should be a non filer status showing they are in compliance with the government in order to get benefits. We work hard and nobody gives us a free ride but I go to the health dept. to get my daughters shots and there is nothing but illegal immigrants applying for benefits that I have to show tax papers to qualify for they don't. I go by DHS to pick up a form for a friend in need and see the same thing. It must be nice to come over here, not have to pay taxes and yet still get welfare, food stamps WIC, education and free health services. I am fine if they just pay there part just like I have to.
2006-06-24 1:31 pm
2006-06-24 1:30 pm
sorry but i wasn't around then or u would have heard something from me. how can u say all that when we weren't around back then? how can anyone answer that in this day and age?
2006-06-24 1:27 pm
What does that have to do with not being willing to subsidize education and services for people who come here illegally when we can't even adequately take care of our own?

None of the histories of any of the countries illegal immigrants come from were any better. Most of their countries take a much stricter view on immigration than we ever have, as well.

None of which has any bearing on the fact that they have no right to overburden our schools and services and make us pay for them when they don't even belong here.
2006-06-24 1:26 pm
thanks for including Hawaii
2006-06-24 1:24 pm
2006-06-24 1:24 pm
Actually it was the British that gave the blankets to the indians that were contaminated with small pox.
2006-06-24 1:24 pm
Oh no, not the Indians again!

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