Why is our government allowing so many elderly Russian and Chinese to enter this country & live off Medicaid?

2006-06-24 4:55 am
I live in a HUD-subsidized building, which is at least 30% elderly Russian and Chinese. Common sense tells you that they have never worked or paid taxes in this country, yet American born taxpayers have to wait years to get into a building like mine. They won't even try to assimilate or learn English. They don't patronize American stores or shops, as they have private buses to take them to their ethnic shops. Many of them are thieves; the lamps in our lobby had to be glued to the tables to prevent theft. A TV set was stolen off the wall. Door decorations disappear. Their visitors have been seen sleeping in the lobby, and some Chinese cook for restaurants with HUD paying their electric bills. They know how to milk the system, with the government's blessing. Management just ignores these things and kisses up to them, as though they were assets! When $20.00 vouchers are given out for produce, you get in line behind 20 Chinese. They are obviously given a call ahead of time. Why?

回答 (11)

2006-06-24 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because our government is full of politicians who are experts at wasting taxpayer funds. Their irresponsible spending and total lack of control over these ever-expanding entitlement programs will soon bring this country to its knees.

They just don't care about the long term interests of this country. These useless political hacks will be out of office and will pass this issue on to being someone else's problem.

It is indicative of typical D.C. mismanagement and waste.
2006-06-24 12:01 pm
No one is minding the borders at all. Anyone can just come in, no questions asked. But try to get benefits if you are a tax paying US citizen and you will be out of luck.
2006-06-24 11:36 pm
2006-06-24 5:12 pm
a lot of things not as easy as you think ,
2006-06-24 2:27 pm
Tancredo must be 2008
2006-06-24 1:00 pm
The most accommodating country to the legal immigrants is Australia. If you look into it closer, you will understand what I am talking about.
Someone said that because of supporting illegal immigrants, this country will go down...What costs more; feeding old Chinese and Russian people, or to be in a war every couple of years? Ask the Japanese that have not been in a war in 50 years, or Switzerland, Australia, that have never been in the war. Well, just look into their economy...All of their economies are better then ours. They have no problem feeding refugees from all over the world. They don't think it is going to bring them down. As for you, I am sure that you would not want to be an old Russian or Chinese far away from your home, probably sick, just in order to be in the front of the line when they give out $20 vouchers. Would you?
2006-06-24 12:13 pm
OK-- everyone (no mater what race) if you don't belong here- Go home.
I"m sorry these guys are bothering you. Tell them the party is over-go home.
2006-06-24 12:12 pm
I am sorry but I really have sympathy for the russian people. The few I know are very humble, gentle and kind. They come from a very oppressive regime. If you have a problem with all the freebees they are receiving, you should blame the government, it allows it..
2006-06-24 12:00 pm
The issue is so controversial that nothing can be done to stop it.

Liberals and socialists in government want everyone to live equally, and they are willing to spend every penny of your hard earned money to do it.
2006-06-24 11:58 am
This country is in a Sad state of affairs!
2006-06-24 11:59 am
you don't know me so you can say to get my papers. retard. i have my papers. i feel so sorry for you you dumb bimbo.

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