Do you know that Jesus Christ is the image of the Invisible God. He is also God?

2006-06-24 4:33 am

回答 (5)

2006-06-24 4:56 am
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Really now? Says who? Did Jesus Christ impart this knowledge, himself? Sounds a little kooky.

Who is this God character? Why is he invisible? I suppose I am the image of the invisible Michael. I am also Michael.

Are you sure Jesus wasn't some crazy cultist?

Somebody once told me to find Jesus, but I always thought he was long dead. Where's he buried? Somebody also once told me he floated up to an invisible land of enchantment. I have no idea how I'm supposed to find some dead, mentally ill guy, whose body has somehow magically disappeared, and then how do I prove if it's him or not? There were no dental records millenia ago, let alone DNA files.

Hm, I think Jesus is lost forever, unless he's that guy on the on ramp holding that sign, looking like a serial killer. At least that guy LOOKS a lot like Jesus. Anyhow, nope, I did not know that Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, and is also God.

Hey, I got an idea. Why don't you tell me all about it? This sounds like a pretty wild story!
2006-06-24 10:09 pm
Jesus never said he was God. he always said he was the son of the Most Holy Father Jehovah. when Jesus prayed, he prayed to his Father Jehovah , not to himself.
2006-06-24 11:55 am
Yes but He is also the Son of God.
As He is divine for being His son, we see in the Bible that though they are one (same thinking, and one doing the other's deeds) they are also very distinct.

Otherwise Jesus would not have spent so much time praying to His father, for help (when He was about to be cricified) and for His will, all the way through the gospel. That means they are 2 distinct people but are one for their closeness. It is not easy to explain. but the gospel of John, chapter 1, the first few verses tells of how Jesus (the Word) was with God.
參考: Bible
2006-06-24 11:46 am
And some christians believe he was the son of god as per the bible.
2006-06-24 11:37 am
I think even within Christians there is division on this topic.

Some Christians (such as Catholics) believe in the Trinity... the father, the son, and the holy spirit or something like that. Jesus is therefore God's son.

Other Christians believe that Jesus is a reincarnation of God himself.

And Muslims believe that he is a prophet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:46:55
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