Do the hottest women come from brazil?

2006-06-24 4:31 am

回答 (9)

2006-06-24 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
That would be a matter of taste and personal likes or opinion.To my knowledge there is not any one nation that can lay claim to the hottest women overall. Perhaps your nation can lay claim to the stupidest questions, now that you have posted yours.
2006-06-24 4:54 am
2006-06-24 4:37 am
Well I am American and I have seen many lovely Brazilian models and it is hard to say who is the best when they are so beautiful...
2006-06-24 4:36 am
The Hottest women come from AMERICA,
because women in America come from all over the world...
2006-06-24 4:35 am
The best women all reside in Africa....and that's real
2006-06-24 4:35 am
Um no they come from Taiwan *wink*
2006-06-24 4:35 am
no, not in my opinion
2006-06-24 4:34 am
Of course not.
2006-06-24 4:34 am
no they come from Puerto Rico hun

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