what is the only living thing who don't have brain?

2006-06-23 9:45 pm

回答 (34)

2006-06-23 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My husband...
2006-06-25 11:50 am
certain bacterias don't have any brain functions at all except to potentially rely on their "organelles" or structures inside their cell that keep them whole body shaggin' and baggin' other bacterias. weird to give this for an answer but it's a fact. believe that and peace;)
2006-06-23 9:58 pm
I'll take dumb questions for 300 Alex?

"what is the only living thing who don't have brain"


"yes colleen, go ahead"

"thanks alex. What is, the person who made up the question in the first place, Alex."

Alex: "You are correct for 300. Choose your next category"

Colleen: "I will take ENGLISH LANGUAGE for 500"

Alex: "What is the correct way to ask the previous question?"

Colleen: "what is: What single living creature does not have a brain? Oh, and the answer is Jessica Simpson"

Alex: "correct again colleen, you are on a roll.. keep going"

Colleen: " sorry alex, but I must go"
2006-06-23 9:57 pm
There are more than one. There are billions of different animals without brains! Here are some:

-Plants (in the kingdom Eukaryota with animals and fungi)
-Some invertebrates like jellyfish and sponges
-Bacteria and archaea (the most primitive of all organisms)

If this is what you mean, the most PRIMITIVE organism that doesn't have a brain is the microscopic Cyanobacteria, which is also the oldest of all organisms.
參考: 7th grade science class
2006-06-23 9:50 pm
there are a lot of living things without brain, my roomate is one of them
2006-06-23 9:49 pm
Only? Are you sure you know what you're asking--there's millions of organisms with no brains.
2006-06-23 9:49 pm
2006-06-23 9:49 pm
2006-06-23 9:48 pm
i think all male living things don't have any brains.
2006-06-23 9:47 pm
Plants, Jellyfish, Microscopic Organisms
2006-06-23 9:47 pm
Starfish...hey wait. There are lot of living things with no brain. This is a bogus question.


everyone get a broom.

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