How long are high school classes in England?

2006-06-22 8:34 pm
And how long is lunch?

回答 (12)

2006-06-22 8:37 pm
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1 hour and normally there are 5 lessons in one day
lunch is normally 1 hour
2006-06-22 8:56 pm
well in my school we shovel the coal at
4:10am and then cut the bread for the dinner ladies at
6:40 then at
7:10am we eat breakfast and
7:11am we walk the four miles over rocks and hills and raging rivers to the school yard to pick up our book then back again to start the lesson. we start
9:00am in the library binding bibles, and then at 10:00am we say the lord prayer repeatedly till 11:00am we rest till
11:10am at this time we have geography and basic warfare training at
12:00 mathematics at
13:00 we prepare to bomb Holland at
14:00 we configure our watches and put together our ak47s and
14:40 we polish our shoes
14:45 we read a chapter of lord of the rings, each boy reads a line. at
15:00 we mount our Shire horses and canter back to school science building at
15:15 we arm the Amram and other assorted missiles
15:00 used the time machine and boys in group A1 enter harrier plane.
15:15 we arm the Amram and other assorted missiles
15:30 use the time machine, quantum physics keeps us from recurring this time space
15:35 remember to turn off time machine
15:45 play a game of footie
16:00 attack Holland and steal all their hides and mink jackets
16:30 tea time
17:00 prep time
18:00 play time
19:00 go to sleep
1:00am fire drill
參考: um?
2006-06-25 4:07 pm
The school i am going to is one hour per lesson 5 minutes inbetween lessons to find your way 10 minutes first break and 'bout 35 minutes for lunch hoped i helped you!!
2006-06-23 2:54 pm
Its hard to say, ive never measured one but they're all different lengths. About 35 mtrs would be a reasonable guess. Lunch would usually be an hour.
2006-06-23 7:09 am
well in my skol we ave 5 lessons 2 in DA morning then a half an hour break
then we ave 1 lesson then we ave another break which lasts 1hr then we ave 2 more lessons in DA afternoon den we go home n DA lessons r 1 hr long each

P.S r skol starts @ 9:00 n finishes @3:30
2006-06-23 4:10 am
Wow, maybe England has the shortest school days in the whole world!

Average school day in East Asia is 8 hours (including lunch) but most students stay longer for extra classes or go to tutor centres too. And even my friend in California say that her school days there are from 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM, also longer than England's.
2006-06-22 9:22 pm
1 hour at our school Ossett Comp we have 5 lessons a day .lasting one hour 20 min break and 1 hour dinner
2006-06-22 8:43 pm
well in my school. we start at 8:50. lessons start at 9:10, each lesson lasting 50 minutes. we have two lessons then a 15 minute break, then have two more lessons, with lunch starting at 12:45. lessons start again at 1:50, then we end the day at 3:30. hope it helps
2006-06-22 8:39 pm
It depends on the school - most schools have about 5 hours of lessons a day - I have 8 lessons of 40 minutes.
2006-06-22 8:39 pm
well the school i work in is for kids aged 11-18 and the kids start at 9am and finish at 3.15pm.. they have 10 minute break in morning and afternoon and lunch starts at 12.15pm.. and finishes at 1.10pm but think schools vary slightly
2006-06-22 8:38 pm
It varies from school to school, but I think students generally spend around 25 hours per week in lessons. The length of the lunch break is up to the school too. Most take 1 hour, but some take less.
2006-06-22 8:38 pm
about 45mins the classes and l hour for lunch.
參考: scooby.doo.

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