If i say 'Colombiana' what is the first thing you think about? Be honest?

2006-06-22 9:47 am

回答 (7)

2006-06-22 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Er, weirdly enough, "columbine", the state flower of Colorado. And then I think of Columbine the school of the same name where some notorious shootings took place.

After ten seconds, I notice the "lom" and think of the country in South America. Never once did drugs or coffee enter my head until I read the other answers :p
2006-06-22 10:55 am
2006-06-22 9:54 am
first, Magenta's friend in Rocky Horror.
second, that you collect things relating to Columbia
2006-06-22 9:51 am
a piping hot cup of coffee
2006-06-22 9:50 am
2006-06-22 9:50 am
2006-06-22 9:50 am
Bold Rich coffee,,laced with cocaine

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