Conversations??? I need help!?

2006-06-22 7:44 am
I have a hard time starting conversations with people I'm not normally comfortable with... and keeping a good conversation going. I worry SO much what to say that it's all that I'm thinking about what to say next and as much as I try not to... I can't help it!!!! Uh!

What are some good ways to be more confident, and start/countinue conversations?

回答 (7)

2006-06-22 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
first of all smile, that will put the other folks at ease and then you will be calmer also, then ask them about themselves and just let the conversation build, relax and have fun.
2006-06-23 12:04 am
First choose a topic you are interested in and know enough about to say a lot! Second, as someone already said, try to find topics in common :)

And then, the rest should go naturally. The other person should be interested enough in what you're saying to blab on a bit, and you'll know enough about it to at least put in a valuable word now and then!

Well I guess I'm shy too, in my own way.

I almost never start conversations with people I'm not normally comfortable with. I don't even try! So who am I to give you "advice", ha ha, silly me. But I do let myself get dragged into conversations and the above is actually what the other person does to successfully "drag" me in :p

However I don't think I'm capable of saying anything but the ugly truth so I always come out as blunt and undiplomatic! So I guess I'm shy but insensitive? Oh my what a combination!
2006-06-22 3:54 pm
Listen to the person and in your mind repeat what they are saying as they say it. This will help you focus on their statement and keep you from thinking ahead.

If that fails seek a person who teaches either Assertiveness or Public speaking as both of these deal with communication techniques.

You may find a night course of three or four weeks at a community college...
2006-06-22 2:58 pm
Paige--The one thing I will leave you with is something you should always remember what ever you do---You, sweetness, are a one of a kind person---unique and special down to the slightest detail--and because you are unique you owe it to those around you to share your views and your thoughts on everything-- the way you look at things --the things you've done are all very important and you should share those with people--when you can come to an understanding of this you will find it easier to enter into conversations and before long it will just simply flow from you like a river
2006-06-22 2:58 pm
What are you good at? What do you know a lot about? If you have confidence in your knowledge of something, you will talk about it with confidence. So, talk about that topic.

My problem is no one ever likes to talk about quantum physics much and I don't follow sports or politics so I rarely have anything to talk about in the first place.
2006-06-22 2:55 pm
Seek things in common. Ask open-ended questions and toy will gain more insight than yes or no questions. What do you think about the high price of gas? The war in Iraq? Sports team? Music? Local events? Vacations, the weather, favorite foods, TV shows, movies, etc.
2006-06-22 2:49 pm
when ever im in a place where there are people im not comfortable talking to i just get drunk and i cant shut up. i could talk someones ear off about something i dont even care about. the other night some girl was talking to me about all this activist work she did in isreal and i talked to her for an hour like i actually cared about it. it works great everywhere . . work, church, you name it. GET WASTED!!

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