this summer is gonna be confusin?

2006-06-22 4:02 am
ok so my dad is going to florida with his old police partner and he wants to bring me and my brother and his friend wants to bring his 2 sons im going to be the only girl and im nervous i wont hav anything to do what shoud i do?

回答 (5)

2006-06-22 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Trust me, you will be able to find plenty to do. I went all the time with my dad and brothers and always had things to do. I don't know where you will be staying what you will be doing, etc. But, if you stay somewhere with easy access to some of the major attractions, you will be able to find plenty.

Maybe you could talk with your dad and ask him if you could bring one of your friends. At least then you would have one other girl. If money is an issue may your friend could split the cost of their portion or even pay for it all. I'm sure he would be willing to allow you to take one friend.

Either way, you are going to have a blast. Just find the positive in the situation and you will have a great time.

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade ;-)
2006-06-25 1:05 pm
Hey, many of my best friends have been boys. They're not that bad! Or at least not all of them are. Tell you what, you should pick the boy who's nicer to you, "kidnap" him for yourself, and leave the other to your brother :p

Friends who are boys don't have to be "boyfriends", you know. I had plenty of friends who were boys when I was 12 and I still do now, but I only had my first "boyfriend" this year (I'm 17).

How do you treat boys? I don't know. Depends on what they're like! Most of my friends who are boys... I just treat them as if they were girls, no difference. Yes, that includes dragging them shopping with me (heehee, I know I'm cruel, but they're just too polite to squawk).

Or you can do what I usually do when I'm around strangers (including girls): Bring some books and keep to yourself, heh. I'm not social around people I don't know.
2006-06-22 4:16 am
Florida, let see plenty too do done there. I pretty sure you will meet others there that share the same interest that you do. Have fun in Florida and enjoy your summer.
2006-06-22 4:14 am
"I'm goin' to Miami (bienvenida a Miami)."
2006-06-22 4:11 am
Don't worry, you will make friends there. Allot of families Will be vacationing there.

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