Where can I get a massage? I have worked for 14 hours straight?

2006-06-22 3:39 am

回答 (4)

2006-06-22 12:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
look in the telephone directory's yellow pages for a competent massage therapist. get one who gives deep tissue work & has been in business for at least 4 yrs. that way they've got their style down.
use a professional. no matter what anyone says, no amateur can compete with someone who has at least 600 hours of training, no matter how smooth they think they are.
before training, i thought i was good. now, i'm light years better.
2006-06-23 6:10 pm
Ask your boyfriend or husband :)
You save money that way and it's more comfortable.
2006-06-22 10:48 am
go to a local spa -- my favorite local place is a "medispa"
2006-06-22 10:45 am
where do you live?
just google it

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