Do cats sleep alot when it's hot?

2006-06-21 10:31 pm
My kitten has been sleeping even more ever since it got hot in California since it's summer right now. Is it because it's hot? Or is because he's getting sick? Or is there just no reason or is just because it's such a coincidence?

Yeah, I DO know cats sleep alot...


I'm not worried at all everyone. Just wondering why. =)

回答 (25)

2006-06-21 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cats ALWAYS sleep alot!

But yes I have noticed my cats sleep even more when its hot, just make sure your kitty has plenty of cool water to drink and plenty of shade to laze around in.

2016-10-20 11:33 pm
even if the vaccine or shot might want to have led to the cat to develop into ill, the cat might want to have become ill if it has eaten a number of the puppy food that were contaminated. both way, take the cat to the vet to be certain what's particularly incorrect
2016-08-23 12:17 pm
I frequently spend my half an hour to read this blog's posts daily along with a mug of coffee.
2016-07-27 3:03 pm
I'm interested in this as well
2006-06-22 5:44 pm
Mine lay around a lot more when it gets hot.

Here's a picture of them when we didn't have air conditioning one summer.
2006-06-22 2:05 am
yes i have 3 cats and they sleep during the day alot they are always napping, cats nap alot in general i think becasue they are board.
2006-06-22 1:24 am
Heat does the same thing to cats as it does to us - it makes them tired! Both of our cats sleep much more during the summer than the winter. They're hot and tired and they have all of this fur that they can't get rid of! No reason to worry - your kitty is fine!
2006-06-22 12:58 am
My kitty has been lazy too! I have the same worries like you do, wondering if my cat is sick. He is 4 months young. I noticed that he has been sleeping A LOT in the past few days since the weather got hot. But then, I have the A/C blasting. I figured he must be lazy. What I do to make sure if the cat is okay is to touch his nose. If the nose is cold and moist then the cat is probably fine. Just keep an eye on your cat's appetite if you are worried. If your cat is eating, then everything should be fine.
2006-06-22 12:53 am
Yes, you have a very normal kitty cat. My kitty is doing the same she is sleeping alot more this summer than when it was winter. She is also less dependent and likes to sleep by herself or at the foot of the bed. Which can be a good thing as she likes to sleep on the middle of my back. Just watch that kitty is eating and going to the bathroom like normal. If not then she is sick. But if she is its just the weather.
2006-06-22 12:23 am
i live in texas and it's always hot here. My cat has been doing this alot to. she usaly is out and about chasing birds and such outside but it's to hot for that now so she just stays inside and sleeps like all daylong until she's hungry then she eats and sleeps some more.
2006-06-21 11:31 pm
cats sleep alot regardless-at least all mine do:)
2006-06-21 11:11 pm
in general cats are so lazy animals.....they really sleeps alot...and they even sleeps more when they get older and older.

dont worry about your pretty sure they are ok..they are just lazy...
2006-06-21 10:55 pm
Cats love to sleep no matter what the weather is like. My cats sleep constantly and sometimes sleep directly in the sunlight causing them to become to hot to touch. I believe that cats are just extremely lazy. Then again when humans become hot they tend to want to sleep more, maybe cats are the same way.
2006-06-21 10:48 pm
i would to if i was your cat. i think its because its hot out
2006-06-21 10:40 pm
Cats sleep all the time. Our dumb cat will sprawl out in the sun on a hot day and just pass out.
參考: No animals or plants were harmed in the answering of this question. Any similarity with any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. This answer contains a substance known by the state of California to cause excessive moronic stupidity. Use with adequate ventilation.
2006-06-21 10:38 pm
yes they rest more when it is hot to conserve body fluid . I've had cats as pets for 20 years. Make sure it has fresh water in a cleansed bowl all day .
2006-06-21 10:38 pm
cats love to sunbathe many may fall asleep when they do my cat falls asleep all the time. teehee
參考: cat encyclopedia
2006-06-21 10:37 pm
Cats sleep 18 hours a day anyway, but if its hot they tend to lay around even more, especially in or on cool places.
2006-06-21 10:36 pm
Dont worry, cats allways like to sleep, there is nothing wrong with your cat...
2006-06-21 10:36 pm
All animals sleep a lot in extremely hot weather (except maybe reptiles)... it reduces their metabolism and makes it easier to survive.
2006-06-21 10:35 pm
everyone sleeps more when it's hot because you tire more easily in high temperatures.
2006-06-21 10:35 pm
Mine do.
2006-06-21 10:34 pm
Kitten and cats love to sleep, sleep and sleep. By nature they are active at night, but lazy during the day. So... do not worry, they are good at this.
2006-06-21 10:34 pm
cats sleep a lot all the time. Its a cat thing. And in their contracts.
2006-06-21 10:34 pm
I think cats sleep a lot in general!

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