Is 20 a good age to lose your virginity?

2006-06-21 9:01 am

回答 (22)

2006-06-21 9:03 am
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Whenever you feel comfortable...

Don't be pressurised into doing something you don't want!!

2006-06-21 4:03 pm
Sure, so is 17 or 35, as long as it's with the right person!
參考: Neuronic synapses firing in a semi-choatic fractal sequence inside the membraneous tissue of my cerebral cortex
2006-06-21 7:46 pm
if the person is the right one, do it
2006-06-21 4:20 pm
I believe that virginity is one thing. It's not as important as the consequences that may follow. Just don't get pregnant. I made that mistake was I was 15 not by losing my virginity, but getting the girl pregnant.
2006-06-21 4:17 pm
age has nothing to do with it. its about maturity, being in love with the right person. i've known some to lose it as early as 10, but the average is 13. once you lose it, you can never get it back. even the person you think your in love with can be just lust. its up to you and the person your with. but also remember that if your either under the age of 18 and the other is 18 or older its a crime. even if its consenting its illegal in every state but one. either your both under 18 or both 18 or older. its most common in high school even back 30 years ago. all my parents told me when i started high school was don't bring home any pregnant girls. no matter what age you decide. make sure your protected so you don't get anything or pregnant. best of luck in your journey for love.
參考: been there.
2006-06-21 4:12 pm
um, no, unless you're married...

why? a loving relationship isn't about sex, you know. it's about caring for the other person and...well, knowing that you'd willingly give up your life for him/her.

bleh, i sound so fairy-tale-y but really, what's the point?
2006-06-21 4:11 pm
everyone will probably say things like..."as long as you are with the right person...etc etc." truthfully...the first time is clumsy and nerve sure you can ask a friend or to about their "first time" and they will say...Oh i was so scared, or i didnt know what to do. 20-or when ever...its all about personal choice.
all you can do is wait till you feel comfortable with the person you are with, and not be pushed into it. a partner that respects your limits is ideal, but then...everyone gets impatient at one point or other.
and remember, nothing is perfect...if your expecting a romantic knock you off your feet may not be like that..if it is, GREAT!
and of course **USE PROTECTION**
2006-06-21 4:10 pm
Well, you are..Legal, so your partner does not have to risk going to jail...Question...age aside, are YOU ready? Once you go for it, you cannot turn back. If you can live with the choice you made, then all is good.
2006-06-21 4:10 pm
Yes it is, Make sure you care about the person because the whole experience will be so much nicer, that he is patient, knows that is your first time so he is not like a bull in a china shop and one or both of you use protection
2006-06-21 4:07 pm
as long as you feel your ready. your virginity is a very precious thing. it is one of the only things in life that once you lose it, its gone forever. be sure its with someone you truely care about.
2006-06-21 4:07 pm
I agree with east bay punk
2006-06-21 4:07 pm
upto you if you feel you are ready and it is with a person you care about
2006-06-21 4:06 pm
If it's with the right person. But remember to use protection.
2006-06-21 4:06 pm
Go for it already!!!!
2006-06-21 4:06 pm
Sure - old enough to know better - still too young to care.

My suggestion is, lose it to someone you're really close to...someone you trust with your heart.

The first time you generally won't forget...not because it's good or bad...but just because it was your first time...
2006-06-21 4:05 pm
NO NOT AT ALL. once u loose it u cant xpect your partner to b loyal wid u.
2006-06-21 4:04 pm
according to doctors at 15 ur at agood position to lose ur virginity rest is up to u
2006-06-21 4:03 pm
2006-06-21 5:01 pm
In Arkansas or Tennesee, You'd already be an Old Maid!
2006-06-21 4:15 pm
no you missed out
2006-06-21 4:04 pm
If you feel you are ready and you use protection any age is a good time above 17 any way
2006-06-21 4:05 pm
oh actually its late

but whenever u lose ur virginity u will more dominate than before.

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