If new questions keep coming at light speed, how can we receive the smartest answers?

2006-06-21 9:00 am
Everytime I refresh, the whole new set of questions appear. It means after maximum 10 minutes my question will be thrown way down to the list. So only ppl online in that 10 minutes can see my qn ( hardly anyone search for old question to answer), hence sometimes ( or usually ) we dont get the best answer possible, rite?

回答 (10)

2006-06-21 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe this is not the right place for serious questions? So you're lucky if you get smart answers.

Some improvements are needed for Y! Answer.
2006-06-28 11:30 am
One thing we all can help in, is to delete our questions once we have spotted a good answer instead of letting them sit there and take up space.
2006-06-21 10:35 pm
Some people browse by category due to interests. In there, your question may not disappear as fast so you have a much better chance if you categorize your questions properly.
2006-06-21 6:21 pm
why do you worry, there are many people sitting here to score more.If you really need genuine answer for your genuine question
try the same question in different categories with gap of 24 hours
2006-06-21 5:33 pm
This is a great question! It's really kind of annoying sometimes too. I have actually starting going the end of the line for questions lately and have found some good questions there.
Who would've thought that an answers site would be sooooo popular?
2006-06-21 4:33 pm
well, yahoo answers is designed for fast answers and not good answers. there's no compromise between the two: you can't get both because for answers to come up fast, new questions have to be in the most visible positions...
2006-06-21 4:18 pm
very true. but at least u get fast answers/responses.
2006-06-21 4:15 pm
Smart answer come when a informative answerer answer your question. For a more conclusive precise answer, you have to do some research into the question you have asked on your own.
2006-06-21 4:05 pm
Thank Me!I found you before 10 mins ;)
2006-06-21 4:05 pm
i totally agree with u...but hey its better than nothing
u can most the same q for multiple times if it is really important

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