Any tips for looking glam - after a 10 hour flight?

2006-06-21 8:11 am
tips on what to wear, make up- what to expect .. ( first time on a plane!)

回答 (6)

2006-06-23 7:12 pm
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Aircraft air has tendency to dry up your skin. Buy Clinique Moisture Surge Spray or Evian will do. Keep misting your face at least every 2 hours. Don't wear too heavy make-up as you may leave marks on the pillow or worse your clothes. Just a lipstick, gloss and a little eyeshadow will be fine esp. for a long-haul flight. For clothing, depends on where you are going and what climate the other country may have at the moment. Don't wear boots on the flight as pressure tends to make your ankle slightly swollen. Try wearing soft leather loafers with light cotton socks. Trousers will be fine instead of jeans as they give you more room to move around and won't constrict your veins - have you ever heard of Deep Vein Thrombosis??? Wear a cotton blouse and a nice light coat (suitable to wear on summer weather).
參考: I am a travel bug!
2006-06-25 11:32 am
Glam after a 10 hour flight. Hmm...

Obviously you dont want to wear something that will wrinkle easily. And depending on your body type, the more form fitting your clothes are, the less they will wrinkle. Obviously if you are obese you dont want to do this.

Your hair should be worn down and straight. That travels best. You dont have to put any make up on to get on the plane. The later you do it, the better you will look. If you want to, just freshen up your make up before you land.
2006-06-22 3:47 am
Go for comfort, not fashion. 10 hours on a plane with some guy in front of you who reclines his seat back as far as it will go and then proceeds to bounce around the entire flight, knocking you in the knees each're not going to be worrying about being fashionable, only 'accidentally' hitting him when you get your bag out of the overhead bin.

Seriously, be comfortable...that's a long time in a plane. Wear comfy windpants (or whatever), bring a light jacket because the airplane can get chilly at times (and you don't know where their blankets have been), drink lots of water to combat dehydration, bring an iPod to listen to, bring a book to read, sleep (not much else to do), bring snacks so you're stomach won't be grumbling when you step off the plane. Get some sleep so you'll be well-rested and ready to go.

If you want, you can hit the bathrooms about an hour before landing (at least enough time so you'll be able to primp to your heart's content before the plane starts its descent). Re-do your makeup, brush your hair, swipe some deodorant under your arms, brush your'll feel fresh and ready to tackle any touristic sites.
2006-06-21 7:04 pm
:)) don't even try to look GLAM... just be comfortable, otherwise you will be bloated, creased, tired and irritated: how glam is that!!!

After 200'000 miles and counting, I choose to travel usually in a gym suit. no jeans, because in hours of sitting they become a torture, nothing tight, no spandex, no wanderbra!!! comfortable underwear is also a must (it digs in otherwise, and you end up contortioning to move things around...)
Layer shirts - one short sleeved, with a light topper with long sleeves. Airco is chilly, but on take off and landing it is off, so you may actually be too warm. Nothing too bulky either... slip on shoes are a plus, without thick soles, no metal hairclips or chunky jewelry, no belt with big metal clips - it means searches for security checks (even a bra with underwire sets off sensitive checks).

Once you get in the flight, take off your shoes, and slip on comfy socks. Take your make up, lenses off, and put on some cream (air is VERY drying in planes, take your favorite one with you). RELAX, set your watch to the arrival time zone, and act as if you were already there: sleep, eat following the rythm of arrival. If you travel tourist, you may want to take with you food, because it is definitely not gourmet!!
參考: experience
2006-06-21 3:17 pm
Wear something that is crease-reisistant. And after you get off a plane, go to a washroom and do your hair and makeup. It would be hard to look glam while IN the plane (I get kind of irritated while in a plane), so get all the 'glam' work done AFTER you get off the plane!
2006-06-21 3:17 pm
if you can upgrade on the last leg of your flight to first class.

Either way, don't bother with much makeup until you get near your destination. wash your face, freshen up, and put on fresh makeup about 45 minutes before landing.

wear something that doesn't wrinkle.
Best to NOT wear heels on the plane.

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