i have nice feet the only problem is the skin on top of my toes are darker than they should be?

2006-06-20 4:11 am
im really light so you can tell, im scared to wear open toed shoes because they 're discolored does anyone know of any products i could use to get rid of these discolorations?

回答 (5)

2006-06-20 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
dont worry ur self if ppl judge u on ur toes why should they matter to u just be ur self and dont worry it's not like ppl r running around saying o i dont like her toes so i wont date her just be your self then ppl wont care about ur toes
參考: personal experience with friends(not with toes but looks, sorta)
2006-06-21 10:56 pm
so? i once knew someone with toes like that and she had really nice feet. a bit colour contrast doesn't matter.
2006-06-20 11:29 am
Perhaps you could try using makeup....it sound funny, but maybe some foundation could even out the skin tone. Oh, did u look into skin care products that can help even out skin tone?
2006-06-20 11:23 am
I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe you could bleach them! or use fake tanning stuff! just a though.
2006-06-20 11:19 am
Sorry,I don't know products. I think you have "permanently" tanned toes like my new love. If I judged her on that,,,,,welll, I'd be pretty shallow at best. I'll bet the total you is just a gorgeous person!!..:-)=
參考: Many years on the planet..

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