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2006-06-19 12:58 pm
My size is 40-34-42.I get very conscious even on thinking of wearing swimsuit as My size is so.But I am very keen to learn swimming.I tried once but people around me gave THOSE looks and practically laughed at me.Since then I never think of swimming.How do I go about it? and nevertheless I am an Indian woman.

回答 (10)

2006-06-19 1:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I always wear a tee shirt when I swim because I'm not happy with my size either and I tell people it's so I don't get sunburned. (an extra added bonus)
2006-06-24 8:33 pm
Ya know, look around. There will always be someone there with the same feelings about their body as you. Don't live your life thinking some idiot is going to say something. They will and it hurts, but Karma is a wonderful thing. I'm not a model and I have white skin so the beached whale thing I've heard, it hurts but I have fun in the water with my friends and family and that overshadows the one idiot comment. Go, have fun.
2006-06-19 9:00 pm
well, here's the thing hon. who cares what you weigh? does God care? no. the fact that you're does this play into it? i know you mentioned it. for me, i don't give a crap what a person's weight or race is. everyone is beautiful in their own way. ignore the jerks who say or obviously think crap. their life is so small and meaningless to them that they have to belittle others. it's very sad and pathetic. be who you are, hon...that's all you can do..and who you are is a beautiful person! email or IM me if you want to chat further.
2006-06-19 8:36 pm
just do it... if it can make you happy... and you dont have to be intimidated by what others would say... it is your privilege to have fun and enjoy
2006-06-19 8:08 pm
I'd go with the t-shirt thing too, find one with a sarcastic comment on it!

If you're taking lessons, see if they allow you to try a class before signing up. Keep trying until you find one where you feel comfortable.

When they give you those "looks", give them a double take, make a strange look on your face, turn away and giggle. Make them think there's something wrong with THEM!!

Change your user name.

rsdudm - You are an a$$hole. $10 says you're a "man".
2006-06-19 8:04 pm
just go for it if you want to learn. who cares about other people. the more you look like you're afraid to be judged the more they will judge you. and swimming can burn a lot of calories, so you may even lose weight in the process.
2006-06-19 8:04 pm
FORGET about rude people who give you looks. Go to the local YMCA or your gym and sign up for private swim lessons. Go, and be proud. Swimming is one of the best ways to lose wait and get good exercise. Put on your suit and be proud of yourself for trying something new!

I've been a swimmer for ages, but as I have aged I have put on weight. Don't get me wrong, I hate laying around on the beach in a suit... but if I want to swim some laps - I am happy to go and jump on the water and do it... and the bonus is.. I'm on deck for just a few minutes (in a towel) but when I am in the pool, and I underwater!!

It's no one's right to judge you... and don't let it stop you from doing something you want to do!
2006-06-19 8:04 pm
Go for it ........ just be careful that Greenpeace don't try to roll you back into the water.
2006-06-19 8:03 pm
dont need to worry wt the other people said
just be yourself
do wtever u want to do..
u dont need to care wt they think..
because it is not their business
2006-06-19 8:02 pm
if u feel like doing it so dont care about ppl we dont have to be supermodels to enjoy our lives

do whatever u feel like doing

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