Help me solve this...?

2006-06-19 10:33 am
A copper pipe is 10m long, the inner radius is 2.4cm and the outer radius is 2.6cm. Find the volume of pipe. (pls also indicate the solution, need it right now...

回答 (4)

2006-06-19 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
10meters times, 2.5, equals 2.5 liters
2006-06-19 10:45 am
The outer volume: 2.6*2.6*3.14*1000=21226.4 (cm cube)
The inner volume: 2.4*2.4*3.14*1000=18086.4 (cm cube)

The volume of the pipe = The outer volume - The inner volume
21226.4 -18086.4=3140 (cm cube)
2006-06-19 10:44 am
L = 10m
V=a * L

a=pi * (2.6cm-2.4cm)^2
a= 1.256 cm or.01256m

V=.01256m * 10m
2006-06-19 10:40 am
(2.6*2.6*pi -2.4*2.4*pi)*1000=the volume in square cm

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:49:15
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