Do you think the illegal immigrant should get the hell back to where they came from?

2006-06-14 2:09 pm

回答 (23)

2006-06-14 2:12 pm
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s .. for sure .. there is no doubt in it ...
2006-06-21 1:29 pm
I totally agree with porkchopsjar. Right on!
2006-06-21 9:47 am
oh hell yeah
2006-06-21 8:53 am

2006-06-15 12:53 pm
Are you looking for people to agree with you? Can you agree to disagree?
參考: Brittany from the class of BARBARA!!
2006-06-15 5:34 am
They should go bact to their wife and kids,and stop remarrying over here
2006-06-14 11:14 pm
Yes, they should be sent back no matter what the cost. We have a problem with crime in America, and illegals are contributing to our crime rate....murder, rape, robbery, hit and run, etc.

They have also broken the law and should be held accountable as Americans are held accountable for breaking laws.
2006-06-14 11:06 pm
HECK YES!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter how LONG they've been here either!!!!! Send them ALL back! Illegal is STILL illegal,even thirty years later!!

And,as for "porkchop",wanting our laws obeyed, our borders secured, to ensure the SOVEREIGNTY of this country for future generations,and to know what TYPE of people are coming here(by this,i mean murderers,child molesters,etc) is NOT prejudice!!!! It is called PROTECTING our country and it's LEGAL citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do not LIKE this,then feel free to LEAVE! We WON"T miss people like you!
2006-06-14 10:31 pm
of course, every illegal immigrant needs to be deported.
2006-06-14 9:55 pm
Not yes....HELL YES!!!!!!!
2006-06-14 9:44 pm
yes! They are breaking the law by being in the US undocumented. They should be deported immediately.
Oh, and if you are from another country, why are you so concerned with our immigration issues? Why not deal with the terrorist issues in your own country first.
2006-06-14 9:40 pm
2006-06-14 9:33 pm
I am all for the illegal immigrants returning to their former homelands. However,I believe it should be done in a humane manner. After all, there are small children involved who are not responsible for the actions of their ignorant parents. Those who are causing problems such as drug dealing, loafing, crimes, gangs, and law breakers of the dangerous sort should be the first to go. Those who get welfare, housing subsidies, free or low cost medical care should be the next to go. Their country should support them until they can get jobs in their homelands. Those who have families and work, don't cause problems, don't protest against the USA, speak English and are trying to assimilate should go next and they should be the first to be allowed back in the legal way. They need to return as legal immigrants, not ILLEGAL immigrants.

porkshopsjar We are very capable of focusing our attention on more than one issue of concern for the USA. I, for one, would like to see the USA begin to move out of Iraq. I don't believe we should have sent our boys over there in the first place. That being said, there's only so much I can do about that. It's up to our military and our leaders. I CAN try to open the closed eyes of those Americans who refuse to see the invasion going on right here on US soil, right under their noses. It is a subtle, quiet war we are fighting and many Americans still don't believe it..
2006-06-14 9:33 pm
Yes they should most definetely be sent back. I have no problem with immigrants as a whole but illegal immigration needs to be stopped! One of my best friends was from Panama and came here legally to get an education. After he finished he wanted to stay and the law was he had to make $31k at a job that was willing to sponsor him. He was able to get $29k but no more. So he was deported. How is it fair that someone with an education who does everthing by the law is deported but people who jump the border be allowed to stay? It is complete crap. I dont think we should go on a massive manhunt to root them out, but what we should do is just enforce the laws we have instead of letting people go when we catch them. Enforcement is the first step. Nothing has to change except actually following through when an illegal is found.

And to the guy above, or anyone else, who brings up this whole Native American/European immigrant scenario, please show me the legal code that the Native Americans had that had statutes and laws which discussed the correct avenues for immigration. You cannot compare a situation today with that of a half millenia ago where one of the key ingredients is law. Is it morally or ethically the same basic problem? Perhaps, but we all have different moral and ethical standards but there is only one U.S. law on immigration. If you ignore that where do you draw the line? Going to let the other criminals go because they eluded the cops for more than 3 years? Give me a break.
2006-06-14 9:23 pm
I think the more important question to ask here is, are you prejudiced? Have you taken your white sheet and mask with the eyeholes out of the washer and put 'em in the dryer yet? Remember something, pal, unless you're Native American, your ancestors were all illegal immigrants think the settlers coming in from Europe and what not had to apply for f--king Green Cards? Instead of worrying about the 'illegal immigrants' why don't you worry about the illegal activities your 'government' is carrying out, like terrorism (9/11), the war in Iraq and how they're slowly but surely turning the United States into a Police State, illegal immigrants or no illegal immigrants...
2006-06-14 9:17 pm
No, i think that they r actually helping our economy because they are working ppl. All they have to do is file some papers and becmome an citizen.
2006-06-14 9:15 pm
yeah definitley
kind of a stupid question
2006-06-14 9:14 pm
YES and the sooner the better!!
2006-06-14 9:14 pm
hell yea send there azz back
2006-06-14 9:13 pm
Ya this is our country we have enoguh children, i say we should close the gates!!!
2006-06-14 9:13 pm
yes if they dont they should be lined up against the wall and shot
2006-06-14 9:13 pm
yes, or dropped off in the middle of the ocean as shark feed!
2006-06-14 9:12 pm
they should file papers to become legals and pay taxes,
they are people too you know. and really there are huge
benefits if you are a tax payer.

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