How come a lot of people getting Food Stamp and they seem able to work?

2006-06-14 10:20 am

回答 (12)

2006-06-14 11:15 am
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Why would they work harder, you are paying for their food! It's party time!!!

Remember the saying "give a man a fish..."? Well we just gave them a fish for 6 months they don't even have to think about fishing until the government money runs out.

"sstockus" & "Rense" said something very important, what is the connection? Motivation, the government takes away their motivation to work because they do not associate work with money they associate the government giving them money for nothing. Then they go out to work and they only make a little more for a lot more effort and many of them quit.

Social welfare programs are a crutch to keep the poor in America Lazy!

I think that food stamps is actually one of the better programs (I still think it should be eliminated with the rest) I have known people to use it but I have known a lot of people who have abused it.

And minimum wage is not the problem (I don't think their should be a minimum wage) Minimum wage job means minimal effort and minimal training and minimal education. The people with those jobs think they "deserve" minimum wage regardless of how good they do so they are not good competitive workers.

only the truly worthless deadbeat employees gain from minimum wage.

If minimum wage is so good why not make it $100 an hour?........that is the same reason that it is not good now.
2006-06-14 5:41 pm
Give me some facts please. Your statement hits everyone, and I know who qualifies for Food Stamps and how little they have to make!

Contrary to your remark, most people who get food stamps do work, except the elderly, disabled and kids.

You don't have any facts, just anti-poor remarks.

Get Walmart to pay them better!

please see

FEMA funds spent on divorce, sex change By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 59 minutes ago

FEMA said it has identified more than 1,500 cases of potential fraud after Katrina and Rita and has referred those cases to the Homeland Security Department's inspector general. The agency said it has identified $16.8 million in improperly awarded disaster relief money and has started efforts to collect the money.

The GAO said it was 95 percent confident that improper and potentially fraudulent payments were much higher — between $600 million and $1.4 billion.
2006-06-14 5:41 pm
It is not always easy to spot the problems and factors that render people unemployable.One thing I have noticed about people who take advantage of the system is that they actually do need help because if they were employable when applied for help and really didn't it, they usually become unemployable, because they loose all motivation and desire for anything
參考: other than getting by. Just being part of the programwears on these folks.
2006-06-14 5:40 pm
Food Stamps are now called "TANF" which stands for "Temporary Assistance For Needy Families" You can have a job and still get food stamps if you don't make enough money to support yourself and your family. With that said, there are alot of people who abuse the system. I used to voluteer at a Food Bank that provided a weeks worth of groceries to families who were not eligeable to recieve assistance, but were not able to make ends meet. We were able to help alot of people before we had to shut our doors, but we did see people who abused us as well. Some would lie about recieving TANF and others would lie about their income. You just have to understand that you have to take the good with the bad. It's worth giving something to someone who doesn't need it as long MOST of the people you are helping really need the help. TANF is a good idea, and has the potential to be a good program, the govt just needs to change their standards a little.
2006-06-14 5:28 pm
I have rental property and some of my tenants get food stamps and have very low paying jobs. I also have some that get more money from the government in benefits that they have no desire to work at all. They get all there meds, food and cash from the government while I have to pay high $$$ for health insurance that hardly covers anything. That is just how the system works so far.
參考: Personal life experience.
2006-06-14 5:28 pm
Cost of living in America is quite high, so, for people attempting to support a family on a minimum wage job oftemn require supplementary assistance in the form of Food Stamps or General Assistance. Better than having people starving despite working 80 hours a week or what-not...
2006-06-14 5:27 pm
this will piss off tax paying Americans..................

cause of a law 1917...........WoodRoW WilSon.
參考: pAWz it
2006-06-14 5:26 pm
if they have enough income then they couldn't get them so if they are getting them then they have proof that they don't have much income
2006-06-14 5:25 pm
Sometimes things happen to people in life they cannot deal with and so they cannot work and must rely on fixed income subsidies. Be thankful for what you have and don't put people into a category just because they get some food stamps or other assistance.
2006-06-14 5:24 pm
If you don't know the particulars of these people nor the rules about food stamps, what makes you qualified to judge?
2006-06-14 5:23 pm
Probably because they don't make enough to feed their familydue to low minimum wages.
2006-06-14 5:22 pm
Food stamps are a supplement to household income. Many families cannot afford to feed their children on what they earn at a job, and they need additional help. Would you have them starve?

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