How can we take care of our pets?

2006-06-08 11:48 am

回答 (6)

2006-06-08 11:50 am
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by loving them and giving them their needs just like a baby....
2006-06-08 12:05 pm
Premium quality pet food & fresh water at all times. Spay & neuter pets that get spayed & neutered. Plenty of toys, exercise and attention. Comfortable, clean place to sleep. If a caged pet, keep cage clean. Vet care, vet care, vet care. Training, keep them safe & lots & lots of love.
2006-06-08 12:05 pm
by coddling them as if they were humans.
2006-06-08 11:55 am
By feeding them, playing with them, walking them, giving them treats, loving them and getting them proper and complete medical care to name a few items.

If you have any specific questions post them as well as asking your vet. They are your best resource for proper care of an animal.
2006-06-08 11:52 am
Providing shelter, food and love, thats how!
2006-06-08 11:51 am

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