What items around the house can I use to for games/learning with my young children?

2006-06-08 11:46 am

Free toys basically. So far cardboard boxes have made great row boats!

回答 (21)

2006-06-08 12:29 pm
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u can save bottle caps n make them play by makin diff thingslike piramids ,put a piramid of caps in center of circle n hit it with a boll, big plastic juice bottles keep in a row n fell them with a boll, counting or painting can be done on those caps, flowers n diff thing can be made out of those caps.etc
2006-06-14 9:59 pm
pots and pans, empty paper towl or toliet paper rolls. your shoes, hats, plastic cups, pretty much anything that isn't breakable or sharp!
參考: mother of a toddler
2006-06-14 7:31 pm
2006-06-11 2:21 pm
i used to love making tents with two chairs and an old sheet. or making bangles of necklaces form penne pasta, good luck
2006-06-10 7:16 pm
Practically anything can be used for learning why not try word games where the children stick the names of things on the relevant objects around the house it helps tremendously with reading and linking the object to the word
2006-06-10 10:51 am
Almost anything
just takes a bit of thinking about
baking can help if you talk about what you are doing while mixing the ingredients this also helps with learning to weigh things etc.
helping to sort laundry into whites and coloureds etc as you casn talk about all the different colours and sizes etc of the clothes,
play games with money setting up a small 'shop' of anything you have
參考: expereince i have 3 kids one with learning problems
2006-06-09 6:58 pm
my 3yr old loves pegs she counts them and can tell me all the colours now she has fun helpinmg he hang out the washing
2006-06-09 11:04 am
the amount of items you can use from around the house is staggering, as long as the item does not pose a threat to your child they can use it.
1. make shakers from plastic (drinks) bottles by adding rice or pasta or peas to make different sounds. any age
2. make a treasure basket by placing textured items in a basket on the floor ie sponge, cotton handkerchief, flannel, wooden spoon, metal spoon, lavender cushion (smell), whisk, it is unlimited the amount of things that can be put in here, but be careful not to overcrowd it. you'll be amazed by the interest of the child in it.
usually once a baby can sit up to about 18 months.
3. on a fine day, give the children a bucket of water and a paintbrush, they'll have hours of fun 'painting' the walls and the ground in watever way they like and best thing is it dries without a trace!!
4. the best item of all to give a child to play with is a large cardboard box, it can be any number of things, car, train, princess castle, pirate ship, fort - the list is endless.
kids dont need alll these manufactured toys, feed their imagination, they will have enormous fun with these activities, and the good thing is so will you!!!!
2006-06-08 10:32 pm
pots and pans tins of food a duster theres nothing children love more than pretending to be just like mummy around the house try it its great fun for the both of you
2006-06-08 5:33 pm
Pudding to fingerpaint with and eat. Talk about the texture, smell, taste.

Shaving cream to smoosh with in hands and spread around on a table. Texture, smell....talk about it.

Use old scarves or scrap material put on classical music and dance to the music. Math, physical..

Save empty milk jugs; you'll need lots. Make an igloo/fort. Teaches mathematical skills, reasoning, and teaches about recycling.

Cut pictures out of a magazine, have the children glue the pictures to pieces of paper and sort them into people, places, things....

Make paper mache with old newspaper and watered down glue (equal parts glue and water) or flour and water (1cup flour 1/2 cup water) After it's dry; paint whatever they created.

Go on a nature walk, pick up various items that will glue to old cardboard boxes make a nature picture.

Get old telephone books and rip out a few pages from the same letter. Put them out of order and make the kids put them in order.

Have the kids follow and cook a simple recipe. Make sure the recipe uses teaspoons, tablespoons, measuring cups. With your help have them bake cookies.
2006-06-08 4:42 pm
plastic toys hidden in a bowl of jelly, its great diving in to find stuff.
washing bowl and bean bags to through in. bucket of water with food colouring and a paint brush and paint the wall or gate?!
2006-06-08 1:05 pm
everything in your house has the ability to teach, shapes. size colors numbers be creative count as you cook talk about the different shapes.. but whatever you do don't let them know your teaching them...check fort, castle.. thats what boxes are for! here's a site made for learning freebie have fun!
2006-06-08 12:47 pm
anything that isnt dangerous
just spending one to one time is fantastic
my son loves dressing up and using my make up for face paints ,we use food containers to make rockets and paper tubes to make puppets , if its hot then in the garden with a bucket of water and a sponge to wash anything that is handy (the cats move quickly away)
or the nearest park or just a walk to see what you can find along the way thats a real treasure hunt just have fun fun fun
參考: life as a single mum
2006-06-08 11:59 am
We used carboard boxes and let the kids make cars. Also glued different shapes of macaroni on construction paper to make pictures and then used food coloring to color the macaroni. Take the tops of your small margarine bowels and some old greeting cards. Cut the cards to fit inside the margarine tope and glue them. Use Elmers glue to go around the inside of the top and sprinkle glitter on the glue. Poke a hole in the margarine top and thread with a piece of string of yarn and let the child hang it up in his room or at Xmas time they can make ornaments for the tree. Pine cones are always fun to make ornaments with to and you can use glitter glue sticks to make them shine. I saved the little plastic closers from my bread and rolls and used them as counters and the kids learned simple math from them. Also we would braid long pieces of yarn and I would give the kids cinnamen sticks to stick in the braids. When they hung them up in their rooms it smelled good.
2006-06-08 11:56 am
Forget the house, go out into the fresh air and learn about nature.
It is totally free and healthy!!

I love taking my children and a big art pad to the park and we do rubbings of leaves, bark, the ground etc. They learn about how things grow because we find things like acorns etc and other buds waiting to grow.
Children love getting a bit dirty, so put on some old clothes, go out there and explore.

You can come home with some fantastic materials to produce brilliant artwork with.

Give them a treasure hunt. Make the clues nice and simple so they don't get bored trying to work it out and then make sure they have a little prize at the end of it. It is great to watch them solve the clues and they can get so excited........... it needn't cost much either, make the prize a choice of their favourite meal!
Get some washing up liquid and some water and make your own bubbles. Find some string and make huge ones or just use your hands.
Get them interested in making cakes. They will have fun mixing the ingredients and if they are anything like my two boys, half the fun is eating the mixture before it even reaches the oven.
Two upside down chairs and a big sheet............ the possiblilites to this one are endless.

Have fun!
2006-06-08 11:54 am
Tupperware drawers/cabinets were really big in my house. They take em out, stack em, throw em around, and its easy to clean up. Big plastic utensils are another fun one. Like you said, card board boxes are usually better then most toys when it comes to younger children. Another fun thing to do is take some construction paper and label things your child sees on a regular basis. My mom had me reading by the time I was 3 by doing that. Card board tubes from toilet paper/paper towels usually get lots of giggles. Riding around the house in a laundry basket is lots of fun too. Use your imagination...Watch what your kid/kids get into that you'd usually tell them no too, and see if there is a way to safety proof it.
2006-06-08 11:53 am
wooden spoon men, drawwing face on them and sticking wool as hair. there is also pasta college making, which you could paint or make necklaces out of. one my mum did when i was a kid was she saved up ten empty coke/bubble bath sized plastic bottles, filled them with sand and we painted them and played ten pin bowling using a tennis ball.
2006-06-08 11:53 am
You can put any items on a tray and do a memory game by removing an item.

Cooking utensils etc - Aliens

Make up to paint faces etc

Cardboard boxes - cars, houses boats etc

paper & pencils - colouring

hide & seek
2006-06-08 11:52 am
No one dies virgin life f**s everyone....
2006-06-08 11:52 am
Anything you can think of,popsicle sticks,clothes pins, old newspapers ect.just use your imagenation.
2006-06-08 11:51 am

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