
2006-03-30 7:43 am

回答 (2)

2006-03-30 3:46 pm
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你是要哪種醬?我幫你找了一些東西In a large saute pan over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the bay leaves, garlic, shallots, 1/2 chopped onion, and jalapeno pepper and saute for 2 minutes. Add the boiled zucchini and fresh oregano and then continue to saute for 1 minute. Add the minced tomato, white wine, and water, stir, and remove from the heat. 在平底鍋裡放一點橄欖油 再加上 bay leaves,大蒜,shallots(紅蔥頭), 半顆洋蔥, 還有一些jalapeno peppe墨西哥綠辣椒. 兩分鐘後把煮好的zucchini(節瓜)和新鮮的奧勒岡 一起放進去 在繼續saute一分鐘接下來在放切小塊小塊的番茄白酒和水 攪拌一下 就可以了如果你要dip的話我找到這個Feta & Oregano Dip500g crumbled Greek Feta 1/4 cup Greek-style natural yoghurt 1/4 cupolive oil 4 teaspns chopped oregano 2 small fresh red chili, choppedextra olive oil to sealCombine cheeses, yoghurt, olive oil, oregano & chilli in a bowl & mixwell.Process in foodprocessor for smoother consistency.Store in a jar-pour over a film of oil & seal jar.Serve with crusty bread .基本上就是把feta cheese, oregano, 橄欖油, 辣椒片 和優格放到食物處裡機攪勻有需要 我在幫你找找
參考: www.foodtv.com
2006-04-02 8:22 am

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