布蘭妮 中文歌詞

2006-03-18 9:19 pm
我不知道是哪首 電視只有出現她歌詞ㄉ中文翻譯
好像有出現\"池中的子民\" 字眼
哀 我不記得了
總之 請有買布蘭妮專輯的大大幫我找找

回答 (3)

2006-03-18 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Me Against The Music" Ft. Madonna 嗆音樂 中文翻譯All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們Grab a partner take it down抓個舞伴來狂歡吧B: It's me against the music我要單挑這音樂M: Uh uhB: It's just me只有我M: And me還有我B: YeahM: C'mon來吧M: Hey Britney?嘿!布蘭妮B: Are you ready? 準備好了嗎M: Uh uh, are you? 當然 你呢B: Oh B&M: Where no one cares沒人在乎B: It's whippin' my hair, it's pullin' my waist音樂穿過我的髮 節奏扭著我的腰B&M: To hell with stares什麼都不怕B: The sweat is drippin' all over my face我的汗水淋漓B&M: And no one's there只有我B: I'm the only one dancin' up in this place只有我在這裡獨自狂舞B&M: Tonight I'm here今晚就在這裡B: Feel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bass感受鼓的節拍 跟上貝斯的節奏B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin' to take on the music我要對著喇叭 單挑這音樂B: It's like a competition, me against the beat就像單人挑戰賽 我要挑戰那節奏B: I wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zone我要進場 一決勝負B: If you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythm如果你想挑戰我 準備挑戰你的身體B: Tryin' to hit it, chic-a-taa馬上跟上節奏B: In a minute I'm a take a you on, I'm a take a you onHey, hey, hey我現在要跟你單挑 我要跟你單挑嘿 嘿 嘿複歌:B&M: All my people on the floor我舞池裡的子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: Let me see ya讓我看看你B&M: All my people wantin' more我的子民們 這樣還不夠吧B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: I wanna see ya我要看看你B&M: All my people round and round我所有的子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: Let me see ya我看看你B&M: All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步 M: I wanna see ya我要看看你B&M: So how would you like a friendly competition你想不想來場友誼賽B&M: Let's take on the song我們來單挑這首歌B&M: It's you and me baby, we're the music只有妳和我 我們就代表音樂B&M: Time to party all night long徹夜狂歡的時候到了...完整歌詞請見:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1005032405028
2017-04-20 12:00 am
蘭妮 中文歌詞
我不知道是哪首 電視只有出現她歌詞ㄉ中文翻譯
好像有出現\"池中的子民\" 字眼
哀 我不記得了
總之 請有買布蘭妮專輯的大大幫我找找
追蹤 2 個解答 檢舉不當使用

最佳解答: "Me Against The Music" Ft. Madonna 嗆音樂 中文翻譯All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們Grab a partner take it down抓個舞伴來狂歡吧B: It's me against the music我要單挑這音樂M: Uh uhB: It's just me只有我M: And me還有我B: YeahM: C'mon來吧M: Hey Britney?嘿!布蘭妮B: Are you ready? 準備好了嗎M: Uh uh, are you? 當然 你呢B: Oh B&M: Where no one cares沒人在乎B: It's whippin' my hair, it's pullin' my waist音樂穿過我的髮 節奏扭著我的腰B&M: To hell with stares什麼都不怕B: The sweat is drippin' all over my face我的汗水淋漓B&M: And no one's there只有我B: I'm the only one dancin' up in this place只有我在這裡獨自狂舞B&M: Tonight I'm here今晚就在這裡B: Feel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bass感受鼓的節拍 跟上貝斯的節奏B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin' to take on the music我要對著喇叭 單挑這音樂B: It's like a competition, me against the beat就像單人挑戰賽 我要挑戰那節奏B: I wanna get in a zone, I wanna get in a zone我要進場 一決勝負B: If you really wanna battle, saddle up and get your rhythm如果你想挑戰我 準備挑戰你的身體B: Tryin' to hit it, chic-a-taa馬上跟上節奏B: In a minute I'm a take a you on, I'm a take a you onHey, hey, hey我現在要跟你單挑 我要跟你單挑嘿 嘿 嘿複歌:B&M: All my people on the floor我舞池裡的子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: Let me see ya讓我看看你B&M: All my people wantin' more我的子民們 這樣還不夠吧B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: I wanna see ya我要看看你B&M: All my people round and round我所有的子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步M: Let me see ya我看看你B&M: All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們B: Let me see you dance秀出你最酷的舞步 M: I wanna see ya我要看看你B&M: So how would you like a friendly competition你想不想來場友誼賽B&M: Let's take on the song我們來單挑這首歌B&M: It's you and me baby, we're the music只有妳和我 我們就代表音樂B&M: Time to party all night long徹夜狂歡的時候到了...完整歌詞請見:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1005032405028
fugacity · 11 年前
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發問者的評分 5 顆星,滿分為 5 顆星
"Me Against The Music" Ft. Madonna 嗆音樂 中文翻譯All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們Grab a partner take it down抓個舞伴來狂歡吧B: It's me against the music我要單挑這音樂M: Uh uhB: It's just me只有我M: And me還有我B: YeahM: C'mon來吧M: Hey Britney?嘿!布蘭妮B: Are you ready? 準備好了嗎M: Uh uh, are you? 當然 你呢B: Oh B&M: Where no one cares沒人在乎B: It's whippin' my hair, it's pullin' my waist音樂穿過我的髮 節奏扭著我的腰B&M: To hell with stares什麼都不怕B: The sweat is drippin' all over my face我的汗水淋漓B&M: And no one's there只有我B: I'm the only one dancin' up in this place只有我在這裡獨自狂舞B&M: Tonight I'm here今晚就在這裡B: Feel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bass感受鼓的節拍 跟上貝斯的節奏B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin' to take on the music我要對著喇叭 單挑這音樂B: It's like a competition, me against the beat就像單人挑戰賽 我要挑戰那節奏B: I wanna get in a zone, I

代購#Britney Spear 布兰妮香港演唱會 即上Ticketbuynow
nico · 4 小時前
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布蘭妮 中文歌詞

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我想找一首歌 是無意間在超商聽見的 記得的兩段歌詞是:櫻花櫻花幾月才開 四月不開 以及 紀念我們曾經擁有 這是一個男生唱的 網路上都找不到 請求幫忙了 拜託!!! 謝謝?
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代購#Britney Spear 布兰妮香港演唱會2017 !搶先代購!即上Ticketbuynow.com購票吧
2017-04-19 8:22 pm
"Me Against The Music" Ft. Madonna 嗆音樂 中文翻譯All my people in the crowd我的音樂子民們Grab a partner take it down抓個舞伴來狂歡吧B: It's me against the music我要單挑這音樂M: Uh uhB: It's just me只有我M: And me還有我B: YeahM: C'mon來吧M: Hey Britney?嘿!布蘭妮B: Are you ready? 準備好了嗎M: Uh uh, are you? 當然 你呢B: Oh B&M: Where no one cares沒人在乎B: It's whippin' my hair, it's pullin' my waist音樂穿過我的髮 節奏扭著我的腰B&M: To hell with stares什麼都不怕B: The sweat is drippin' all over my face我的汗水淋漓B&M: And no one's there只有我B: I'm the only one dancin' up in this place只有我在這裡獨自狂舞B&M: Tonight I'm here今晚就在這裡B: Feel the beat of the drum, gotta get with that bass感受鼓的節拍 跟上貝斯的節奏B: I'm up against the speaker, tryin' to take on the music我要對著喇叭 單挑這音樂B: It's like a competition, me against the beat就像單人挑戰賽 我要挑戰那節奏B: I wanna get in a zone, I

代購#Britney Spear 布兰妮香港演唱會 即上Ticketbuynow

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