紐約大都會的David Wright

2006-03-12 12:36 pm

回答 (4)

2006-03-18 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
根據我對他每場比賽的數據分析 發現到一個相當恐怖的數據 而這個數據卻是被忽略的
D.Wright雖然打27發 乍看之下跟其他打者火力相當 可是卻擁有102的打點 他在壘上沒人或一壘有人的情形下 打擊可能比較弱了點 但是得點圈有人 長打能力就很嚇人 長打+打擊率高達0.818 那你就想得點圈有人 投手跟他面對面 可能會發生什麼情形吧 27發當中有26發是得點圈有人的情形下打出的
如果國聯各隊注意到的話 可能會為了降低損失在他打擊之前讓他是下一局第一個打擊或是故意保送 以免投手心靈遭受重擊
還有他前年盜壘成功率百分百 10次以上哦 不是只盜一次"問醬油" 可以看出他腳程不弱 以他打點能力與腳程 應該打3棒比較合適

2006-03-19 19:24:08 補充:
謝謝 因為他符合我的棒球野手選秀哲學 不要全壘打多 只需要注重穩定的打擊能力 快速的腳程 高產量的打點能力只要像這樣的選4-5個 大砲打者選兩個吸引對方投手注意 對方投手也會叫爸爸
1-9都是大炮 會產生拉扯效應 而且對方投手幾乎會小心投球 在不容易失投的情形下 熄火的機會很大
日本的巨人 美國的洋基 難道沒給各位啟示嗎?
參考: 大聯盟官網 與個人統計資料
2015-04-16 9:14 am
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●九州 娛樂 網站 http://ts777.cc
2007-05-14 4:10 am
我自己本身很喜歡David Wright
關鍵時刻總能建功 打擊也很流暢 看起來很舒服
大家都只看洋雞 我也搞不董位什麼
看MLB不多多認識球員 只看王建民跟楊機 我不懂有什麼意思= =
2006-03-11 11:44 pm
David Allen Wright graduated from Hickory (VA) High School...Named New Jersey Sports Writers National League Rookie of the Year in 2004...Named the Gatorade Virginia High School Player of the Year in 2001...Also garnered Virginia All-State Player of the Year honors in 2001...Earned All-State honors in 1999, 2000 and 2001...Batted .538 with six home runs and 19 RBIs his senior year...Over his four-year career at Hickory, he hit .438 with 13 home runs and 90 RBIs.

2005 Career Highlights
After 1 1/2 seasons in the big leagues, Wright is the Mets' best player -- their leading run producer (102 RBIs and 99 runs), leading hitter (.306 batting average) and leading slugger (.523 slugging percentage). He led the team in on-base percentage (.388), too. And he stole 17 bases. What else can he do? Eleven of his 27 home runs tied the score or provided a lead. He batted .298 with runners in scoring position, .307 with runners on base and .538 with the bases loaded, giving every impression that he has it figured out. His defense was lacking in the first half of the season -- 18 errors, so he reassessed himself, slowed himself and made obvious progress, making more good plays and fewer errors (six) in the second half. All that, and his teammates have the highest regard for him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:48:14
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