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You are taller than me 或 You are taller than I?
不過You are taller than I若要很正式的說應該是You are taller than I am, 衹是大部分的人都省略了後面的am.
下面這一段節錄自文章Less wrong than you think, 譯:(這些失誤)沒你想的那麽嚴重啦!>, 內容正是關於你提出的這個問題. 裏面有一段講到<...若你不想得罪那些完美主義者, 儘管老老實實地用 taller than I (am), 但若你自問不是純英派語言權威的話, 那丟掉那個am又何仿? 反正我也能明白你要說的是什麽...>
<An older dispute in the fun-with-implied-words genre involves than. Are you taller than I, or are you taller than me? Answer: Both. That's how short I am.
If you don't want to risk angering the purists, go ahead and be taller than I (am). But if you're a regular old tall person and not a tall professor of English, you probably didn't mean to imply the word am. You meant to say you're taller than me, and you're right. I don't mind being treated as an object.>