
2006-01-24 7:25 am
請幫我翻譯英文評語  謝謝  學校要用的你是一位聰明的好學生  但你學英文要更努力一些  要更勤於背單字對你的英文將會很有幫助

回答 (10)

2006-01-31 9:23 am
我覺得 這些 都好長喔 有沒有類似 以前唸小學時老師們習慣 用的簡短幾個字的評語呢?! ^^ 3Q
2006-01-26 1:40 am
You are a clever good student but you should try harder to study
English even more be diligent in reciting the single more character
English to you will be very helpful.
2006-01-24 6:58 pm
呵呵呵, 我覺得要用vocabulary. The key point is to ask that student to learn more "words", isn't it? ^^
2006-01-24 2:14 pm
你是一位聰明的好學生 但你學英文要更努力一些 要更勤於背單字

You are a smart and well behave student. However, you need put more effort on English subject, and learn English words more diligently.
2006-01-24 8:06 am
" You are a smart and diligent student, but you have to work harder on the subject of English. Learning more vocabularies will help your English abilities even more"
2006-01-24 7:38 am
你是一位聰明的好學生 但你學英文要更努力一些 要更勤於背單字

You are smart, but you need to put much more effort on learning English, especially on memorizing vocabulary. This would help alot in your English learning.
2006-01-24 7:37 am
你是一位聰明的好學生 但你學英文要更努力一些 要更勤於背單字
You are a smart and [intelligent] student; however, please pay more attention [to] English.
Be deligent [in] memoriz[ing] letters. It is quite helpful for your English.

You are a bright student, but you need to work harder on English, spending more time in memorizing English words. By doing so, your English will improve a lot.

2006-01-23 23:39:28 補充:
抱歉,幾經思索,作了些修改:You are a bright student, but you need to work harder on English, spending more time learning English words by heart. By doing so, your English will improve a lot.

2006-01-24 10:41:57 補充:
為什麼一定要出現"vocabulary"(字彙"呢?事實上word就是vocabulary, 不然為什麼國中課本後面的字彙表用的是word, 高中用的是vocabulary, 如果對國中生(或以下)的學生程度而言,他看到word就能知道老師的評語為何了,如果評語寫vocabulary, 他搞不好還要查字典呢。而教育部公佈的一千基本字彙,也是用 "the 1,000 Basic English Words"呢~
參考: 自己
2006-01-24 7:34 am
It should be "diligent" instead of "deligent."
2006-01-24 7:29 am
You are a smart and inteligent student; however, please pay more attention on English.

Be deligent to memorize letters, it is quite helpful for your English.
參考: 我
2006-01-24 7:27 am
You are the good student of a cleverness but you learn English to want to be some more hard to want more frequently in carry on the back the word

Will do good very much to your English
參考: 譯言堂

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