
2006-01-15 4:58 am

這是愛的魔幻的this is a love song

希望會日文的大大能幫我忙,因為我根本不會呀:p 呵呵

回答 (3)

2006-01-15 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a love song   LOVEPSYCHEDELICO

Rosalita 的樂句是 pop
永遠地歌唱是 grace
She has a guitar painted blue
Strawberry London 的時間是 pink
眼眸深處是 May
即使不在夢中也 blue
現在的話 down, down, down
直至消失為止的 blues

Run around, around
Time fly, fly, flies
This is a love song

Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
惹人憐愛的薄荷君很 Delicious! love

Rosalita 是有名的 pop
獨自一人在舞蹈的 balloon
彷彿心緒不寧的 noon
Cotton candy 理想鄉的 rain
赤腳地歌唱的 bus stop
She has a guitar painted blue
戀愛是 going down, down, down, down, blue

Run around, around
Time fly, fly, flies
This is a love song

Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
惹人憐愛的薄荷君很 Delicious! love

Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
惹人憐愛的薄荷君如畫一般 love

Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
惹人憐愛的薄荷君很 Delicious! love

Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
Rosalita woo, sing along the phrase of love
惹人憐愛的薄菏君獨自前進 love
愛是 run around, around
惹人憐愛的薄荷君很 Delicious! love
2006-01-15 6:51 am
嗯嗯:p 呵呵
2006-01-15 6:02 am

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