
2006-01-03 5:50 am
1.IT is a major refining center in North America, with five major erfineries that have the combinedcapacity to process roughly 95 million liters of crude oil per day.
2. this metropolitan area also has a relatively large number of vehicles.with over4.5 million automobiles,vans, and heavy-duty commercial trucks (Purvis,1997) that consume about 13 billion liters of gasoline and 2 billion liters of diesel fuel per year.

回答 (7)

2006-01-03 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
IT is a major refining center in North America, with five major refineries that have the combined capacity to process roughly 95 million liters of crude oil per day. IT 在北美洲是一個主要的精煉的中心, 由於有被結合的容量大約處理每天9500萬公升原油的5 家主要的精煉廠。2. This metropolitan area also has a relatively large number of vehicles. 2. 這大都會區此外有一相對許許多多車輛。  With over4.5 million automobiles, vans, and heavy-duty commercial trucks (Purvis, 1997) that consume about 13 billion liters of gasoline and 2 billion liters of diesel fuel per year. 由於over4.5 百萬汽車,客貨車和重型的商業的卡車(珀維斯,1997)  那消耗大約130億公升每年汽油和20億公升柴油。
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2006-01-03 11:54 am
1.IT 在北美洲是一個主要的精煉的中心, 由於有combinedcapacity大約處理每天9500萬公升原油的5 主要的erfineries。
2. 這大都會區也有一相對許許多多vehicles.with 百萬汽車元,客貨車,和耐用商業卡車(珀維斯,1997) 那消耗大約每年130億公升汽油和20億公升柴油。
2006-01-03 6:45 am
因為我翻譯出來的我一直覺得怪怪不通順 所以在請各位幫忙的 不過真的謝謝你們
2006-01-03 6:13 am
2.combinedcapacity應該是combined capacity兩次要分開喔,醬意思才通。
ps. IT(情報技術學)
參考: individual opinion
2006-01-03 6:07 am

IT is a major refining centre in North America這句話文法沒錯,可是我在猜想你這句話的原意應該不是這樣翻才對。因為第一句已經完整結束,所以with應該要提到前面去修飾「某個名詞,例如IT」,這樣使得整個句子文法結構有錯誤!


1. IT, a major refining centre with five major erfineries in North America, has the combined capacity to process roughly 95 million liters of crude oil per day.

2. Purvis (1997) identified that there is a relatively large number of vehicle in this metropolitan area. Over 4.5 milliionautomobiles, vans and heavy-duty commercial turcks consume roughly 12 billion liters of gasoline and 2 billion liters of diesel fuel per year.


2006-01-05 02:06:28 補充:
參考: 自己
2006-01-03 6:02 am
1.IT is a major refining center in North America, with five major refineries that have the combined capacity to process roughly 95 million liters of crude oil per day.

IT 是北美過濾原油的中心, 並擁有五座過濾廠. 其總過濾量為一天 9千五百萬公升原油.

2. This metropolitan area also has a relatively large number of vehicles, with over 4.5 million automobiles, vans, and heavy-duty commercial trucks (Purvis 1997) that consume about 13 billion liters of gasoline and 2 billion liters of diesel fuel per year.

這個市區中心也有較高的車流量 -- 超過 4百5十萬輛汽車, 箱型車, 重量商業貨車 (Purvis 1997) 每年消耗約 1百3十億 公升的石油 和 2十億的柴油.

應該是 "問題人" 抄錯哩.
改過ㄌ之後... 這樣ㄗ 那個英文的部分哩 就沒有錯, although the second part seems incomplete as suggested by the "also."

不要抄襲喔!!! Normally in North America 抄襲 => 0%
or 很重要的 term paper 抄襲 => 掰掰, 學校不要你了.

"(Purvis 1997)" indicates something that's referenced. It must be included in the reference section.

像 F = ma 這種 common sense 不用 reference, 但是其他 theories, equations or statistics that are not trivial require 你要 provide reference(s).

To be honest... Typing國字真的很 tiring... 但是為了讓台灣人感到 a little more 親切, I type some 國字 along with strings of abc's.

2006-01-05 13:42:28 補充:

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