英翻中 [住 Maine 州的童年]

2005-12-15 7:43 pm
原文如下:I've always hated lobster. My memories of childhood vacations in Maine are clouded by recollections of sitting grumpily at the picnic table of lobster shacks, morosely longing for a hamburger.

回答 (4)

2005-12-15 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've always hated lobster. My memories of childhood vacations in Maine are clouded by recollections of sitting grumpily at the picnic table of lobster shacks, morosely longing for a hamburger.我從來沒有喜歡過龍蝦. 在緬因州的童年假期回憶滿佈著, 我心不甘情不願地坐在龍蝦堆野餐桌前, 悶悶地只想要個漢堡...問題1 - 沒聽過麥當勞, 也聽過肯德雞吧.問題2 - 龍蝦不便宜...好野人家, 還挑...開玩笑啦.
參考: self
2005-12-15 9:40 pm
Maine State緬因州盛產龍蝦..那裡的麥當勞有推出過龍蝦漢堡噢. 作者看到龍蝦肉漢堡, 肯定會吐出來吧!!
2005-12-15 8:19 pm
我以前總是憎恨龍蝦。 我在緬因州的孩童時期假期的記憶是陰雲密佈的藉著座位安排的記憶暴躁地在龍蝦小屋的野餐桌子,愁眉苦臉地渴望一個漢堡。
2005-12-15 7:45 pm
I've always hated lobster. My memories of childhood vacations in Maine are clouded by recollections of sitting grumpily at the picnic table of lobster shacks, morosely longing for a hamburger.


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