英翻中 [一封信的開頭 作者剛結束打獵之旅]

2005-12-15 7:39 pm
原文如下:I've just now returned from the most brutal and challenging hunt of my life and thought that I'd take a moment to write you this letter while the experience is still fresh in my mind.

回答 (5)

2005-12-15 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我才剛從一個有史以來最殘酷, 最具挑戰性的狩獵回來. 想說給你寫封信, 因為這個經驗還很鮮明的在我腦海中.
參考: self
2005-12-16 3:52 am
lori: 想說給你寫封信?? 改一下成-- 想寫封信告訴你 or 想寫封信跟你說
2005-12-15 11:46 pm
我剛從自有生以來所遇過最殘酷與最具挑戰性的狩獵中歸來. 我想要把所有一切趁著這時腦中記憶仍歷歷在目的此時寫信告訴你.
2005-12-15 8:58 pm
Lori is right.
2005-12-15 7:46 pm
參考: 沈小彥

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