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2005-10-21 9:17 pm

各位評審大家好!在這個資訊發達,交通快速的時代,人彼此之間心的距離卻越來越遠,這是一件令人感嘆的事,因此我要介紹的這本書是:把這份情傳下去「love forever」相信大家應該都知道這本書,它是我覺得國中生必看的書,共有60篇小故事,200多頁,看起來沒有壓力。文字平淡樸實,不是一本足以驚天動地的書,但是,內容看過之後卻值得一再回味,內容非常感人的,用了僅剩的人間的溫情作為題材,人物也是一般平凡人,甚至是貧苦的人,都能表現出極溫暖的人情,身為現代人,衣食無缺,卻沒有那樣的人情,這是我們應該省思的地方。作者希望藉著此書,將那些「僅有的」溫情擴大,我覺得這是我們國中生,或是一般人,都不足的。如果你看了這本書,請也把這份情傳下去,讓愛永存在人間。

回答 (3)

2005-10-21 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. In nowadays, information and transportation systems are both well developed to shorten the transmission time, however, the distance between human beings are further and further unfortunately. Therefore, I would like to introduce this book, Love Forever, to you. Most of you might have heard of this book. In my opinon, every student in junior high school needs to read it. There are sixty short stories in this book, and it's only two hundred pages. Therefore, it is not difficult to read. The wording of this book is simple, but, the content is profound and touching. It is worthy of reading it again and again. The theme of this book talks about how those ordinary or even poor people share their warmness to the others. We live in a modern world with plenty of food and clothes, however, it is short of the sympathy. This is something we have to think about it. The writer wants to convey the barely existing sympathy by this book. This is what we junior high school students or everyone needs to do. Pleare read this book, and pass the idea on. Let's make efforts together to keep Love on the earth.

第一句早上說 Good Morning, 下午說 Good Afternoon, 晚上說 Good Evening.

2005-10-27 08:24:28 補充:
參考: Myself
2005-10-21 9:45 pm
Hello! Ladies and gentlemen. In this information developed, the transportation fast time, between person each other the heart distance more and more is actually far, this is the matter which makes one sigh, therefore I must introduce this book is: Hands down "love forever" this sentiment to believe everybody should know this book, it is I thought the country mesozoic must look the book, altogether has 60 small stories, more than 200 pages, look like do not have the pressure. Writing light simple, is not a sufficiently earthshaking book, but, after the content has looked actually is worth repeatedly the aftertaste, the content extremely touching, with the world tender feeling which only remained has taken the theme, the character also was the ordinary ordinary person, even was the poor person, all could display the extremely warm human sentiment, the body is the modern people, the food and clothing is complete, actually did not have such human sentiment, this was a place which we should save thinks. The author hoped affiliation this book, "is only having" these the tender feeling to expand, I thought this is our country mesozoic, perhaps average person, all insufficient. If you read this book, please also hands down this sentiment, lets love the perpetuity in the world.
Thank you listening respectfully!
參考: me^^*
2005-10-21 9:24 pm
Hello! Ladies and gentlemen. In this information developed, the transportation fast time, between person each other the heart distance more and more is actually far, this is the matter which makes one sigh, therefore I must introduce this book is: Hands down "love forever" this sentiment to believe everybody should know this book, it is I thought the country mesozoic must look the book, altogether has 60 small stories, more than 200 pages, look like do not have the pressure. Writing light simple, is not a sufficiently earthshaking book, but, after the content has looked actually is worth repeatedly the aftertaste, the content extremely touching, with the world tender feeling which only remained has taken the theme, the character also was the ordinary ordinary person, even was the poor person, all could display the extremely warm human sentiment, the body is the modern people, the food and clothing is complete, actually did not have such human sentiment, this was a place which we should save thinks. The author hoped affiliation this book, "is only having" these the tender feeling to expand, I thought this is our country mesozoic, perhaps average person, all insufficient. If you read this book, please also hands down this sentiment, lets love the perpetuity in the world. Thank you listening respectfully!

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 13:10:45
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