
2005-06-03 9:54 pm


我希望大家會認為我是一個聰明氣質的男生,但熟絡朋友會說:「嘿! Robert扮猴子」,這表示我的個性開朗也很瘋狂。對於失敗的事情總是沮喪,但總是會一一克服和創新,缺點是優柔寡斷。

從國中開始,對設計藝術就非常感興趣,如願的考上鶯歌高職,入學後一直致力於多方面的工藝,木工、竹子工藝、陶瓷工藝、玻璃創作、印刷技術,但雖然多才多藝卻不專精,畢業後即步入職場,計畫從最基本的木工學徒逐漸專精至室內設計師。我對電腦也很專長,對於電腦的繪圖軟體頗為熟練,Illustrator, Photo shop Auto CAD, Flash等等……,對工作以及未來升學都有極大的幫助。


回答 (3)

2005-06-03 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My name is xxx. I was born in March 15, 1987, the eldest child in my family which consists 5 members including my parents. I am interested in computer, languages, design, and creating. Reading and listening to the music are my hobbies. My father is an interior designer who works on decorating cases by contracting. My mother is a working class as well as a house keeper. She is good in cooking and sewing. Due to my parents’ influence, I have deep interests in both interior design and fashion design.
I care about culture and surroundings. I like to scrabble for ideas whenever I am free, and come up with many different designs. I deeply believe that the world will become wider when we make a turn.
我希望大家會認為我是一個聰明氣質的男生,但熟絡朋友會說:「嘿! Robert扮猴子」,這表示我的個性開朗也很瘋狂。對於失敗的事情總是沮喪,但總是會一一克服和創新,缺點是優柔寡斷。
I hope people will consider me as a smart gentleman. But sometimes my close friends will ask me: “Hay! Robert. Act the monkey.” That means I am also an open-minded and crazy man. When facing frustration, I often feel depressed, but finally will cope with it, or even find some new way out. My weakness is not decisive enough.
從國中開始,對設計藝術就非常感興趣,如願的考上鶯歌高職,入學後一直致力於多方面的工藝,木工、竹子工藝、陶瓷工藝、玻璃創作、印刷技術,但雖然多才多藝卻不專精,畢業後即步入職場,計畫從最基本的木工學徒逐漸專精至室內設計師。我對電腦也很專長,對於電腦的繪圖軟體頗為熟練,Illustrator, Photo shop Auto CAD, Flash等等……,對工作以及未來升學都有極大的幫助。
Since elementary school, I was especially interested in Art and Design, and later got admission in Ying-Ke Vocational School as wished. I had learnt varieties of skills from the school, such as wood engraving, bamboo craft, ceramic work, glass creation, and printing techniques. However, I wasn’t specialized in any of those fields. After graduated, I, apprenticed myself to a carpenter, graduately I become a well-trained interior designer. I am pretty good in computer aid design programs, such as Illustrator, Photoshop, AutoCAD, Flash…etc, which are very helpful to my further study and jobs.
To my mentor Zhen, I would like to express my thankfulness to her. Her free style teaching made a good contribution in developing creative works. Her motto: "Every road lead to Rome", encourages us not only to set higher education as target, but also to experience different lifestyles. She is a very unique teacher, who always posed different views from others. This makes me dream of being a cool teacher as her. I expect myself turning a remarkable person, as shine as the diamond.
參考: myself
2005-06-04 3:41 am
哇...你們兩個都好厲害優~~~尤其是cindy...你翻的好像蠻通滴 讓我增長不少知識 謝謝!
2005-06-03 10:26 pm
[My name is XXX. I was born in March 3rd, 1987. There are 5 people in my family and I am the oldest child.]
[I am interested in computer, Chinese language and (創作好像不能用CREAT). My hobby is reading and listensing to musics. My father works as a house decorater.]
[經常承包一些工程(ㄅ會翻...)My mom is a housewife. She is good at cooking and sewing. Because of my dad and mom, I have a deep interest in house decoration and clothes designing.]
[I care alot of the enviroment and the culture aruond me. Sometimes I like looking on a piece of paper and think about many defferent designs.]

我希望大家會認為我是一個聰明氣質的男生,但熟絡朋友會說:「嘿! Robert扮猴子」,這表示我的個性開朗也很瘋狂。
[I hope people think that I am a wise and good temperatment boy. But some of my good friend said: "Hey! Robert. Act the monkey!! " That means I am open and crazy]

翻的好累 其他的明天吧!

2005-06-03 16:06:22 補充:
呵呵  樓上的謝嚕~~

2005-06-14 20:24:09 補充:
參考: ME

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