Good bed and breakfast hotels or cheap hotels in London?

2006-06-02 6:06 pm
The two of us will be traveling. We want to stay in the Bloomsbury district or area near the Kings Cross Station. Any idea?

回答 (5)

2006-06-02 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on how much you want to spend have you tried you can search on cost/availability/place. For hotels try
Good luck
2006-06-03 6:10 am
Hi there -

Check out

They know their stuff and have been in business long enough that they get some pretty good deals!
2006-06-03 5:12 am
I have never found a better deal anywhere on the web than I get at and there you can search for B&Bs, boutique hotels, and anything else from budget to luxury! Two great things about using that service: 1) You don't pay until you check out. and 2) If you find a hotel cheaper they will pay you 4 times the difference!
2006-06-02 6:07 pm
Someone told me they went and it was so expensive they stayed in Paris france. It is a lot cheeper in France.
Which really isn't that far away.
2006-06-02 8:59 pm
I went 2 weeks ago and stayed at The Ambassador Hotel in Bloomsbury. It's a block away from Euston Sq. Station, 3 blocks from Russell Sq. Station, and walking distance to British museum. I think we payed just under $150 a night. The rooms are small - but that's pretty much every hotel in London, however, the decor was very modern. I liked it.

Also, be sure to catch Coriolanus at the globe theatre while you're there. The play was good, but best of all, Jeffrey from the fresh Prince of Bel-Air was in it!

Gig em!

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