what kind of phone is dangerous to use in a storm: corded or cordless?

2006-06-01 10:05 pm

回答 (9)

2006-06-02 2:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The only way you can be hurt with a cordless phone is for lightening to directly strike you.

But on corded phones, all it takes is for voltage to get into the line at any point. That means a strike at the cable, or anything that may currently be grounded to it.

The phone company puts in a "lightening" protection device for every phone line, but over time the connections can corrode or the device itself can malfunction. Therefore you really have no guarantee that you are protected.

This also applies to not only lightening, but to any high voltage coming through the line. A car accident that strikes a joint utility pole could result in high power lines coming in contact with telephone lines, and that voltage could easily enter the home.

Now that I've scared the heck out of you, let me say that it's fairly rare for it to happen. But generally you should never use a corded phone line during thurnderstorms. Cordless or cell is best.
參考: Retired 32 years Telephone cable splicer/repairman
2016-12-06 8:25 pm
cordless cuz no matter how perplexing u try u seriously is not in a position 2 take the corded telephone outside. yet in spite of this possibly a corded telephone is more suitable risky cuz u ought to spin round and get the wire twisted round ur neck and die. so i ought to assert the corded telephone is more suitable risky as a rule even with the undeniable fact that the risks of the cordless telephone are more suitable certain to the typhoon. yet finally i do not imagine speaking on the phone in the time of a typhoon is amazingly risky, and the presence of a wire gained't make an entire heck of fairly some distinction both way. for sure, if ur telephone like is down then speaking on both you are able to nevertheless be an illustration of psychological ailment.
2006-06-01 10:21 pm
by seein this with my own eyes... when i was little one time in brazil in our house..

It was a raining day but with the sun shining, across the street from our house there was a open space that the neighboor hood kids played soccer. My parents never let us out to play on the rain as kids, i was sittin on the couch watchin tv, and there was a window next to/ behind the tv that faced the field and my mom was on the fone to my right down the hall.. out of no where i saw this huge lighting hitting the field and then like 5-6 seconds later this huge BOOOM goes, the tv exploded and out of the blue i glimpsed over and i saw my mom flying about 6-7 feet over...

The TV burned out, she ended up flyin about 7 feet from where she was on the corded fone, she passed out with the phone on her hand ripped off from the wall.. most of the kids on the field, were the same way as her.. couple of them were up but in a bad shape... everyone ended in the hospital.. no one died or anything, but that was a life lesson to everyone of us, in different ways.

Till today, no one in our house use phones when its lighting or it looks like it will be lighting, doctors said it was a miracle she ended up with no problem or any of the kids, and chances on that happening are none to a million just about, but it did happen to us..

so yea.. i mean ppl say its a myth, some ppl say it may happen but dont really believe.. but then there is that sayin, i only beleive what i see other then God, Faith, and jesus Christ, and i saw my mom flying over and those kids falling down.
參考: i saw it with my own eyes, it was my mom 15feet away from me
2006-06-01 10:08 pm
Phones are generally safe as long as the line is grounded. If the line is not grounded, the ones with the cords are more dangerous.
2006-06-01 10:08 pm
Metal phone or one with a metal antenna, because you can be struck by lightning. Corded or cordless makes no difference.
2006-06-01 10:08 pm
Well, they have proven that electricity in a lightning storm can travel through a corded phone. However, a cordless phone would only have electricity travel to the base of the phone not the handset. So it is best to use a cordless phone.
參考: Mythbusters
2006-06-01 10:07 pm
ones with cords. if lightning hits your house, it can travel through the phone line and explode your phone. i know someone this happened to (they weren't on at the time, luckily!)
2006-06-01 10:06 pm
its a myth

phones are not dangerous during a storm - unless of course it a cell and you are outside using it!!!
2006-06-01 10:06 pm
definately corded ... I've heard of lightning coming out through a corded phone

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