What is "sticky floor"?? any relationship to "glass ceiling"?

2006-05-31 3:51 pm

回答 (4)

2006-05-31 3:58 pm
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"Sticky floor" is low level of employment and you will never rise any higher.... you are "stuck" there.

"Glass ceiling" refers to artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing in their organization into upper management positions. You can look up and see others advancing, but no matter what you do you cannot reach their level.

There was a paper written "Glass Ceilings Or Sticky Floors?" in 1999 by Alison L. Booth, et al. while she was visiting the University of Amsterdam. It might be online somewhere.
2006-05-31 11:52 pm
yes, sure there's a huge relationship.
when you watch a peep show in all around glass room (inc; the ceiling) , sticky floor is what you have after you "get busy with your own guns down there"
2006-05-31 10:53 pm
It is hard to get off the bottom rung because being there suggests to employers your not very good. As one boss told me "never employ someone who has'nt made it by 30, he never will"
2006-05-31 10:52 pm

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