Astronomers .. What do u think about this ?

2006-05-26 1:52 pm
Many say that religions don't have a prove of being right or wrong, and many say that islam is a religion of ignorance , but have u known that islam proves in the Qura'n " its Holly Book" all the scientific facts we have found in astronomy ?
Please See this movie:
And Tell me what do u think ?

回答 (9)

2006-05-26 2:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
While many of the Holy books of many religions confirm the same astronomical facts discovered by science, I think you are going overboard in claiming that the Q'ran proves ALL the scientific facts established by astonomy.

For example, does the Q'ran confirm that Valles Marineris is the largest canyon in the solar system? That vacuum fluctuations can cause black holes to evaporate? That there are approximately 10 million stars in the Omega Centauri globular star cluster? Can we go to the Q'ran to confirm if water does in fact exist in the polar craters of Mercury?

I certainly would agree that God or Allah, being all-knowing, knows these facts and many more. He knows infinitely more about the universe than we could ever hope to know or imagine. But to claim that one small book proves ALL astronomical facts is going overboard.

I hope my answer has not been disrespectful to your faith.
2006-06-04 11:16 pm
Why do you not use the brain your God gave you, however little, instead of swallowing uncritically what ignorant mullahs tell you?

In the first place, how can a book of, say, 300 pages contain the information of the millions of books written on science?

Search your Quran and tell me what is the velocity of light, or the orbit of Uranus, or even the square root of 2.
2006-05-28 7:45 pm
Allah through the Quran tells us to read and that means only the Quran as it was the first word and the Quran was yet to be revealed . However The Quran does not answers all astrological questions but it urges us to seek them ourselves ( in the sky you find My miracles ( fe al sama ayat wa fee anfusukum ) and it goes deeper ( i.e. all living beings are created from water ) ( I have created what you know not )
. NASA in searching for extraterrestrial life search what they terme the Water Hole which is a frequency reflected by knowing that finding water in the universe is like finding an Oasis that attracts living beings .
2006-05-28 3:08 am
A thousand years ago, arabic cultures were the scientific center of civilization. My understanding is that understanding Allah's creation was viewed as way to appreciate Him. Of course and educated population is harder to manipulate so things like science are sometimes condemned by religious and other poltical authorities (think Taliban purging professors and discouraging rank and file Afghanis learning to read the Koran for themselves, or the Chinese cultural revolution).

I am not religious in the typical understanding of the word, however I think religion and science can live along side by side just fine. Science is simply a process used to make useful predictions about nature via hypotheses about How It All Works, and religion is a matter of faith. They are two completely different realms.

Those who cling dogmatically to their interpretations of religious text simply do not have enough imagination, and are arrogant in the presumption that they perfectly understand their God's creation merely through interpretations of words written down by men.

Guided by a God or not, it is silly to assume that any true meaning can flow completely intact through the filter of a mind and that mind's translation of its understanding into words. Then another minds translation from words to concept and then interpretation of that concept. Not to mention all the translations of the language (or the change of the language the text was originally written in) that may have occurred in between! Even if you invoke the God as helping your understanding, how can a finite mind grasp what is in the mind of God?
2006-05-27 7:58 am
The Quran is Part of one of many books of semetic writings.
Some highlighted more or less scientific observation.On the other hand other eastern writing In Hindous Religion also paralleled many theory in Physics.
Whether some were inspired of Our Creator or not is something that is debatable.Hence the Quran science data what ever its acuracy, is not mutually exclusive to the Previous Semetic writings which some of it is based upon.

WE need not to be closed minded about what we think is correct both in Science and Religion .As Humans we are prone to jump to Conclusions.
參考: The Narow mindeness of belif systems
2006-05-26 10:54 pm
All the religions of the world spoke the act of creation and so on. But you can`t tell that the astronomy was already written millenniums ago. Why bother now, if we can read in old books. No, I do believe that religion writing are parabolas of scientific facts, and the science is a religion as well, but is at least a thin line between them.
參考: 22 years of science love
2006-05-26 10:33 pm
It may sound weird coming from a pragmatic, non-religious person like myself but the choices of religious explanations and scientific explanations come down to the matter of faith. I totally agree with the previous answers and if you choose to believe that any religious text or scientific results are correct, then that is your right. Although I claim to be spiritual, I still depend on scientific theory and testing to explain the amazing world around me.
2006-05-26 9:46 pm
Astronomy is in fact millenia old, the Qura'n is merely writen down what astronomers have known for thousands of years before that. Whether this is God (Allah) revealing this to Mohammad or Mohammad repeating what he heard from astronomers is based on faith in the words of the Qura'n.
2006-05-26 9:13 pm
If I remember correctly, Arabs / Muslims were once pretty advanced at Astronomy...... unfortunely over-zealous nobheads such as the Taliban, etc who misinterpreted / perverted the Qura'n for their own selfish interests (perhaps coupled with a spot of colonialism) put an end to all that.

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