If someone walked into your house one day and said?

2006-05-17 2:58 pm
"I'm going to live here, eat your food, not pay any bills, expect you to feed and clothe my children also, learn my language, and give me medical care. In return, I'll clean the litter box cause I know you HATE to pick up poop...it's such a back breaking disgusting job. NOw, if I happen to...let's say....strain my back picking up poo...I'll sue your *** and continue to live here, but boss you around and send my money to my grandma"

would you agree to it?

some of you catch on quickly...


for non passionte liberal-my family dates back to the revolutionary war. They FOUGHT for this country and it's LAWS. It's a matter of following the rules. And how could abusing our social services be helping our country? How about jails...even in Ohio....that are full of illegal immigrants? How about the hospitals in California, New Mexico, and Arizona that were forced to close because of all the ILLEGAL women coming here to give birth...on our dollar? Doesn't seem to me it helps. But, of course, you probably take everything the media tells you as truth.

回答 (28)

2006-05-17 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Doesn't sound like a good thing to me, but maybe I'm just crazy. In a related item, I understand that the crimes "car theft" and "carjacking" are going to be replaced with a "guest driver" program.
2006-05-18 10:36 pm
30.06... 'Nuff said.
2006-05-18 7:17 pm
I'd say, "Mister, you better make the litterbox smell like pine trees, or I'm gonna shoot your @ss."
2006-05-18 4:37 am
yeah...this is just another of the questions that some here conveniently over look.
2006-05-18 1:18 am
Since the poop you brought over from Europe is still stinking up the joint, the country could use the help.
2006-05-17 10:24 pm
What house are u talking about? Do u really think that USA, simbolically, your house? (it is probably a house of those American indians to begin with) Another thing - is POOP..... "Nice" comparison. ALL and ALL it is about illigal immigrants. However, I disagree with your comments like:"not pay bills, expect to feed and cloth children, give medical care and etc" Do u really believe all this propaganda about illigal immigrants? I met few of them in my life (not mexicans, not criminals)... And those people were not worse than others and they paid bills like any others and u cannot distinguish them from others too.. The same people, it just happens ... they are illigal immigrants in here... I also know one guy who WAS illigal immigrant. Now he has a company where many americans work, and those americans have their jobs thanks to that guy who WAS once illigal..... Another thing; what if u fall in love with some illigal immigrant? Therefore, be less judgemental if it comes to other people... Life is more complex as it seems...
2006-05-17 10:22 pm
Find a new arguement. About a dozen other people have made this one already.
2006-05-17 10:20 pm
If that happened to me the person would be deported to hell real soon.
Send the Illegals home.
2006-05-17 10:17 pm
I'm waiting to hear some answers from the pro-immigration people on this site. Can't argue with this can you?
2006-05-17 10:17 pm
Now just try and get the alien supporters to see that.... It is like they live in a world of complete ignorance, unable to comprehend anything other than their feelings.

I have a question for you cookie. Why in God's name would you have children in a bad situation like that? I know I wouldn't. You want me to feel sorry for them, and I do, but it pisses me off that people try to justify breaking the law. If the living situation is so horrible then stop reproducing, at least until you can better accommodate the children. Use your brain, not your heart....
2006-05-17 10:16 pm
Hmmm. What if it was more like this: "I live in a country where we live in a two or three-room house where you can see daylight through three of the four walls, and the toilet keeps backing up but we don't have money for a plumber or to buy a new toilet because we are struggling to pay the rent on this shack, and our church can't help because most of the town we live in is in the same economic situation. We are a young family with six children, and my husband and my two oldest sons work ten to twelve hours a day so I can send the rest of my children to school, except the two youngest which I keep at home. My mother, who has the early stages of Alheimer's, lives with us because my father decided to become an alcoholic full-time and left her ten years ago. Our government is riddled with corruption, so my oldest son, who just turned 17, is going to go to your country to earn more money and hopefully learn enough English to get a better job than picking produce for 9 or 10 hours every day in the hot sun, or make more than $5 or $7 an hour for washing cars or doing construction (for $8 an hour) for a company that may decide not to pay him after two or three weeks of work, leaving him without recourse because he couldn't wait six years to emigrate legally and he doesn't want to get deported. He is going to live with three other men in a one-bedroom apartment or a trailer for the first six to eight months. If he has an on-the-job accident, and if it's close to the border, no one is going to notify us that he has died. Instead my son will be buried in a nameless crate, and we'll only find out because my husband and I will be worried sick about him, so my husband will try coming to the country three months later to find out what happened to him. My husband will have to find a similar job to what my son had, and he will be homesick and hoping not to get caught. My husband used to participate in political rallies, but after a while he got tired of trying to change a system that will never change."

P.S. to Ricky:
Just to answer your question - I don't have six children in a poor economic situation. In fact, I don't have any children at all. It was a "what if" situation that was a composite of what I have seen. I have lived in Puerto Rico (actually a U.S. territory) and traveled into the heart of Mexico and have seen what it's like to try raising a family where the standard of living is so low that I have no idea how the families there survive. It's not a matter of families deciding not to reproduce; it's a matter of government policies and corruption making it difficult to succeed economically unless you're willing to leave your values behind. However, I expect change is coming one way or another. I want immigrants to have the chance to come here legally, be required to learn basic English within 4 to 6 months of arriving, and if they break the law face the consequences. Have a happy day, and thanks for being honest.
參考: friends' experiences
2006-05-17 10:15 pm
NO WAY...but I like your allegory!
2006-05-17 10:12 pm
I know exactly how you feel. I ,ve seen a lot of people who came from other country and lived in us did shxx. but not every either legal or illigal immigrant did the same shxx. to be honest I fuxxxxx hate it when I saw a lot of healthy people don,t work and fat like a pig hang out around in resturant or street who don,t willing to work and get the goddamn food stamp I don,t want to say who they are
but u don,t know what the hell i am talking aboout
they really are bad blood in this country fxxx it
2006-05-17 10:04 pm
that is a crazy ? i would call 911 and have them removed
2006-05-17 10:03 pm
Its all about establishing a country they call Aztlan, some kind of new country in the southern U.S.A.
參考: Yahoo answers.
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
Great sounds alittle like grown family members who need kicking OUT!!!!!!!
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
Took me a moment to get what u were saying there, but it happens in Oz, 2. Dammit!!!!
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
no not at all, i would at onnce send him out of my house
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
that person would have the barrel of my coachgun to their nose.
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
That's exactly what the dumba$$'s that support the illegal aliens are saying is ok isn't it.
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
no. what kind of question is that?
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
HHHHHEEEEELLLLL no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-05-17 10:02 pm
not really. But id prolli say, go ahead and sue me, Im broke anyways. lol.
2006-05-17 10:01 pm
Sounds like a metaphor for the illegal immigration problem.
2006-05-17 10:01 pm
No...That person is useing you, and taking everything you've got. You need to tell them to find some place else to live, and tell them they need to learn to take care of themself. Don't let people over ride you.
2006-05-17 10:00 pm
No, and the authorities probably wouldn't help either.
2006-05-17 10:00 pm
but sound like the way illegal aliens conduct themselves

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