web server?

2006-05-17 4:55 am

I would like to know what's Web server, application server, multitiered client/server architecture.

回答 (6)

2006-05-17 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization.

A web server is a computer that controls a central repository of website that can be viewed.

2006-05-17 12:03 pm
Apache - Number 1 by far

IIS - From Microsoft.

Sun Java System (good for large sites w/millions of hits a day)

All the other wanna-bes

Here is a nice graph : http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2006/05/overallc.gif
2006-05-17 12:01 pm
google has all the answers for you.
2006-05-17 12:01 pm
<World-Wide Web> (Or "web server") A server process running
at a website which sends out web pages in response to
HTTP requests from remote browsers.

If one site runs more than one server they must use different
port numbers. Alternatively, several hostnames may be
mapped to the same computer in which case they are known as
"virtual servers".

Apache and NCSA HTTPd are two popular web servers.
There are many others including some for practically every
platform. Servers differ mostly in the "server-side"
features they offer such as server-side include, and in
their authentication and access control mechanisms. All
decent servers support CGI and most have some binary API
as well.
參考: dictionary.reference.com
2006-05-17 11:58 am
2006-05-17 11:56 am

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