if someone won the lottery, would you rather them buy you something frivolous, or pay off your debt?

2006-05-16 2:25 am
classify by age and marital status if you want, for a more accurate idea.

回答 (26)

2006-05-16 2:27 am
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2006-05-16 9:45 am
PAY OFF MY DEBT! good lord! get me out from this hole ive fallen into. and to all of you who say its your debt you should get yourself out of it...well heck, its not always a mistake that gets you into debt. medical bills are a huge thing that you just cant help. im 26 and married.
2006-05-16 9:37 am
Pay off my debt. I have way too much debt, thanks to a medical emergency last year.
2006-05-16 9:33 am
I am a 27 year old single teacher. Paying off my debt would be the gift that keeps on giving. Why you ask? Because with no debt, I could by all the frivolous things I want!
2006-05-16 9:31 am
Pay my debt. Then I can buy something frivolous if I really feel like it. Money is not really my motivator. This is probably why I don't make enough of it so everyday life gets expensive and bills pile up.
2006-05-16 9:31 am
Pay off my debt. Then I could get credit cards and buy my own frivolous crap! Ha! By the way, I'm 50 and divorced and plan to stay that way. (Divorced, not 50)
2006-05-16 9:31 am
I have debt and frivolous. Just be happy to have family and health.
2006-05-16 9:30 am
Buy something frivolous... but if I had debt, it'd be awesome if they'd pay that off!! Ageless and single...

Know what's funny? A lady I know actually DID win the lottery!! I'm serious!! lol
2006-05-16 9:30 am
Something frivolous. I'd probably just acrue new debt anyway. And I've been broke so long, I never get to buy myself something frivolous. I have two kids, I'm divorced, and I'm 27.
2006-05-16 9:30 am
Pay off my debt. I don't need frivolous stuff.
2006-05-16 9:30 am
niether, I can take care of my self thank you. I'm sorry, but I don't like handouts, but my wife would end up saying buy her something and I would try to stop her, but she always wins.

I am married age 28 male
2006-05-16 9:30 am
pay off my dept. ill be 40 june 5th and am married with 2 boys.
2006-05-16 9:30 am
pay off debt, then we can start all over w/ a fresh start and no debt. that would be nice to have the car and credit cards paid off. my grandma told me that if she won the lottery she'd get everyone in the family out of debt. sounds good to me, cause if your out of debt that means you'd have extra money each month.
2006-05-16 9:30 am
Please, please, please PAY OFF MY DEBT!
2006-05-16 9:29 am
As a gift, it needs to be whatever that person wants to give you. You can't be picky when it comes to gifts. But besides that, it's hard to say which I would like. I don't know if I would feel comfortable with someone paying off my debt. It's my debt, I need to pay it off. It would kind of hurt my pride and I'm not even big on the whole pride thing. It would also be a little embarassing. But if the person bought me a car or something, that would be helpful too.
I'm 19 and in a relationship (soulmates)
2006-05-16 9:29 am
well, i dont have a debt yet! im 16...
but if i had debt, yeah, i would pay it off, and
if that someone is nice enough to give a bit more,
i would spoil myself a bit!
2006-05-16 9:29 am
BOTH duh
2006-05-16 9:28 am
Pay off debt. I don't have much either lol.

... debt that is hehe
2006-05-16 9:28 am
Pay off my debt. I could buy my own frivilous stuff then!
2006-05-16 9:28 am
pay off my debt
2006-05-16 9:28 am
Pay off my debt! I'm a 24 yr old single mom, and I don't really have much debt at all, but having my car paid off would be nice!
2006-05-16 9:27 am
pay off debt...22 in a relationship, but not married yet, about to start graduate school, so getting rid of school loans would be great
2006-05-16 9:27 am
Buy something frivolous... but if I had debt, it'd be awesome if they'd pay that off!! Ageless and single...

Know what's funny? A lady I know actually DID win the lottery!! I'm serious!! lol
2006-05-16 9:27 am
Pay off my debts! Frivolous is just that...FRIVOLOUS.
2006-05-16 9:27 am
id want to pay my dept but I might not remember so id probably get me something frivolous
2006-05-16 9:26 am
Pay off my debt!!! I don't have much, but it would be nice to have none! I'm 32 and single

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