Why my cat like to bite?

2006-05-11 8:43 am
My kitty is 12 weeks old. He started to bite a lot lately.

回答 (9)

2006-05-11 8:44 am
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the cat is having fun like all children are?
2006-05-11 10:46 pm
I don't know how old your kitten was when you got him/her. However, a symptom of having been separated when too young from the mother is a bit of aggressiveness to humans in general. Kitten are also very rough with their siblings and engage in wrestling activity until about 6 months. The kitten might just be acting out with you because it can't with it's brothers or sisters.

Since the cat is still young, just follow these other people's advice. Tell the cat "no", and follow with a tiny little spank on the bottom (not enough to hurt it, just to give it a physical reminder that it is not acceptable to bite).

It will grow out of it eventually, but it is important to start training it now. Cats can be trained (regardless what some people say) and you don't want to let it continue. If it hurts now, think how it will hurt when he is full grown.
2006-05-11 10:08 am
He's playful, and treats you like he'd treat another kitten. Try tapping him on the nose whenever he bites, and saying something like 'gentle'.
Don't worry, he'll calm down some when he grows out of the kitten-phase
參考: Mine does the same (Third kitten I've had)
2006-05-11 10:08 am
I see you don't know anything about cats he's still a baby and he's just playing when he gets older he will stop.
2006-05-11 9:47 am
REMEMBER a cats instinct is to hunt so its playin a friendly game of hunting, or its jus playin wit you. theres nothin wrong wit it esp since its a kitten, have fun and giv it toys to chew on and attack eg string or balls
2006-05-11 9:14 am
Because he's so young, he's doing 2 things.....one, he's still 'teething' and needs plenty of good kitten safe chewy toys to play with and, secondly, he's just a playful little soul. But, you must try and wean him off biting you now while he's young, incase he carries this on into adulthood. Try gently placing your finger on his nose and say no firmly each time he tries to bite and then cease playing and hugging him after you've done this. He should get the message quite soon that biting doesn't go with hugs and play off mummy :o)
2006-05-11 8:50 am
He is trying to sharpen his fangs
2006-05-11 8:49 am
cuzz.. its like a dog its teath get itch it starts to bite furniture,your carpet and your LEG! heres a trick put a little cheese in a bite toy 4 your cat N it would never bit anything AGAIN!! but it starts to bite again spank it with a ruler!
2006-05-11 8:48 am
Their love bites, don't worry.. just say, 'not so hard;....

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