what will humans look like in 10,000 years?

2006-05-06 10:19 am

回答 (8)

2006-05-06 11:53 am
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Homo Sapiens appeared about 100,000 years ago. Without any scienctific inteference at gene level, I suspect there won't be much difference physically, but they will hopefully be fitter and better fed at the world level, with longer and better lives as diseases are eradicated or controlled.
However, if we look at the advances made since the industrial revolution and the earlier age of enlightenment, we will be talking an amazing and unpredictable future, assuming we don't wipe ourselves out. Compared to the 100,000 years we've been here, we've developed the majority of our current technology over a miniscule 300years and the increase in advanced technology culminating in electronics and computers in reality over the last 50, although obviously based on earlier work. It's a really amzing time we're living in, but hopefully the rest of the world will ultimately benefit from the globalisation of technology in a positive environmental and social way and not as is currently the norm of wanton profligate usage of natural resources of western "developed" societies and the random conflicts of the world's societies as a whole.
Maybe in the next 10,000 years we'll grow up?
2006-05-06 6:21 pm
10001 year old my dear!
2006-05-06 5:47 pm
Probabilly then wont exist as it is predected that in a quit few decades earth is going to end in a distarous manner due to world wars. If at all they survive then they would look like leen people with big head and very much intalectual and talanted due to pleanty of resources
2006-05-06 5:39 pm
very -3 smart ,perfect
2006-05-06 5:28 pm
we will look the same because we are not living for ever so when a baby is born , he will be a human not that different from who we are now. its called reproduction
2006-05-06 5:24 pm
still the same, with a little part of our body evoluted and transformed
參考: //
2006-05-06 5:22 pm
Maybe we will look like aliens.Or robots.
參考: By thinking
2006-05-06 5:20 pm
Very very old

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