Does the BIBLE say anything about levels or degrees in hell?

2006-05-06 2:01 am
someone asked me today if I didn't believe that there is specific levels in hell for specific sins. I've never read anything to this effect in the BIBLE. Does anyone have a book chapter and verse of the BIBLE which concretes levels or degrees of hell?

回答 (27)

2006-05-06 2:05 am
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The Bible does not dwell on hell or the devil. These are not healthy things to talk about.
The pictures we are given of hell are just that, pictures, to try to express the agony of separation from God.

Read Dante for where the idea may have come from!
2016-10-17 1:35 pm
Pastor, John MacArthur Jr says: "There are various ranges of giftedness even right here in the international. So, i think of there is extremely going to be, in heaven, various ranges of provider, merely as there are with the angels: there are archangels, and there are cherubim and seraphim, and principalities and powers and rulers, and all of those various ranges of angelic hierarchy. i think of in eternity, we are all going to be taken care of out interior that eternal worshipping community and given various capacities and ranging widely used jobs, that are desperate via the sovereignty of God and our faithfulness right here. That’s why John says, “seem to yourselves which you lose no longer the failings you have wrought, yet which you acquire an entire advantages.” what's it? Is it going to be some those with better crowns? No. We’re no longer likely to be going around saying, “Hah! I have been given a huge one; you purchased a splash one!” It’s no longer likely to be that. despite we get, i've got faith interior the photograph of the 24 elders, we take our crowns and forged them on the ft of the Lord. yet, I don’t have faith they’re going to be something that’s seen. i think of it’s going to be a ability for serving God totally and thoroughly. I don’t think of you’ll have any sense of loss or any sense of lacking something, because of the fact each and every individual’s ability would be reached to its optimal. yet, i think of what we would go with to do is have the terrific ability for worshipping God, as His sovereignty could supply us and as our faithfulness could warrant. Now, in terms of the different, there'll be ranges of suffering. Hebrews 10 says, “How plenty better suffering will come to the only, who has trodden underfoot, the blood of the covenant, and counted it an unholy component, carried out even with to the Spirit of grace.” to place it merely, it potential this: the extra human beings understand regarding the gospel and reject, the better degree of suffering they are going to adventure--while they trample underfoot the blood of the covenant."
2014-09-25 5:24 pm
Hell does exist! Jesus went there and took the keys of hell, death and the grave after He died right before He arose from the grave. Jesus talked more about hell than He did heaven in the New Testament. ................... If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior it will not be for you!
2006-05-06 1:22 pm
Matthew 10:15 already told us that there is some levels in hell for different kind group of sin people. However, no matter what's the different on "levels" or "temperature of the fire", I believe the main points are:
1. Hell is forever;
2. You need stay with the sin people forever;
3. You need stay with the evil spirit forever;
4. You cannot see God forever.

Therefore, we need put our faith on the God and believe him.
2006-05-06 4:17 am
it doesn't-- only variation in intensity of punishment in the raging fire. -matthew 10:15 btw, hell is the grave- no one has ever seen the lake--- matthew 10:15 is talking about judgment

but hey-- I don't believe in that- I've only seen hell
2006-05-06 3:30 am
What about Galations 6:9? "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
2006-05-06 2:26 am
No, the 'levels of hell' are from Dante's Inferno. it is actually a very wonderful peice of literatue.
2006-05-06 2:12 am
OK this notion is from a book that obviously alot of people have not read. It's from Dante's Divine Comedy. Specifically the 1st book of it is called the Inferno. In it Dante journeys through hell in order to reach heaven since his human weaknesses keep him from taking a more direct path. On his way through hell it is divided up into circles. Each circel has a certain type of sin associated with it and each punishment in hell ironically fits the sinners. So, no this notion is not of the bible, but a work of fiction. Really though, it is a good story and worth the read. The inferno is the most popular and graphic but it is considered one of the great medival works.
2006-05-06 2:11 am
2006-05-06 2:11 am
Lets set the record straight. Hell is the common grave of mankind. They dig the hole 6 feet deep. For all.
Now from the religous point, Hell is spiritual and made only for the devil and his demons. It wasn't intended for man. Pastors frightened people for centuries about it. The picture most people have comes from a painting called DAntee's Inferno. The fright comes from Catholic priests trying to fill the coffers of the church. And from protestant pastors with the same money in mind.
Check out the telavangelists. Want more? Click the link
參考: ON line Bible right here
2006-05-06 2:11 am
That is one of those debatable areas of theology. On the one hand it seems to be taught that there are different levels of punishment and on the other hand it seems like everyone who isn't clothed in the righteousness of Christ will be cast into the Lake of Fire so - what happens there, or what difference is there, or is this only referring to the holding area before that final judgement are common questions that come up and for which there are no passages that give a definitive and complete answer all by themselves.

Here are some of the passages people use to claim that there are different levels of punishment for the unsaved.

Matthew 10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Luke 12:46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. (47) And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. (48) But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
2006-05-06 2:10 am
No the bible does not say anything about levels.

to Andreas P: the Catholics don't mention layers to hell either. It was Dante Aligieri who came up with the idea in a dream in which he traversed hell
2006-05-06 2:08 am
no, there is one hell and one level of hell. All who do not repeant and ask God to be their personal Savior will spend eternity there.
2006-05-06 2:08 am
I believe the old testament prophets talked about it, something like Isaiah or Jeremiah or something.
2006-05-06 2:08 am
Definately not. Its what some Catholics believe and some confused Christians believe. Its says that nowhere in the Bible. There is one hell and every person who doesnt accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ is goin there. One sin makes you condemned to hell. But through the working of the Holy Spirit and the blood shed on the cross, when we surrender to Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, our freedom is given. Any more questions ask me.

2006-05-06 2:07 am
While the usual concept of levels of hell actually comes from the Inferno, the Bible does indeed discuss levels of hell.

In the New Testament, the word Hades is found, which refers to the ordinary Greek underworld of the dead (aka hell in Christian mythology). But, there is also a reference to Tartarus, which in Greek mythology was the deepest and most miserable pit of Hades.

So yes, the Bible does discuss 2 levels of hell.

You might be interested in the etymology of the word "hell". (teaser)
2006-05-06 2:07 am
I think the idea of levels in Hell is from Dante.
2006-05-06 2:06 am
not to my knowledge, but the book of mormon teaches that there are many levels of heaven
2006-05-06 2:06 am
Nope. Hell, Christians INVENTED hell! Look up 'Gehenna'...not the band...
2006-05-06 2:05 am
NO Hell is for the devil and his angels.
2006-05-06 2:04 am
No, it just refers to an unquenchable fire, and those there want to die, but they will never die, because this is their eternal punishment.
2006-05-06 2:04 am
I wouldn't believe that the BIBLE got that specific.
2006-05-06 2:04 am
Nope. That was something invented by Dante in the Inferno. There's no reference to purgatory either.
2006-05-06 2:04 am
i agree with the two first answers.
2006-05-06 2:04 am
no, it is a catholic thing that they made up... hell is hell
2006-05-06 2:03 am
no, in fact a pastor once told me that "there are no degrees of sin". They are ALL sins and once you ask forgiveness, they are forgiven no matter how bad. Why would there be a level of hell- it is all hell....
2006-05-06 2:02 am
Not me, and i read it every day!

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