If immigrants are so proud of thier countries, then why do they come to America?

2006-05-05 4:07 am
Huh, tell me what's so great about your country, that makes you want to come to America, and then sh!t all over Americans? Instead why don't you be brave and stand up to the unethical things that go on in your countries that you LOVE oh so much? Because your too p*ssy to do that. I know I'm right, but you can hate on me anyway's.

回答 (42)

2006-05-05 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Amen. If all these damn illegals from Mexico would spend as much time fixing what's wrong with Mexico instead of hopping the border and bitching about and costing America millions, the problem would fix itself. All these illegals are too damn lazy to do anything to fix their own country, so they just come here and think they have a right to be here and gripe about everything and claim they have just as much right to MY country as I do even though I pay taxes and they don't...
2006-05-05 5:41 am
I agree with you!!!!!!!!!! You’re right on!!!!!!!
My solution is that legal’s can stay, and illegals must go.
In cases where the children are legal’s then the parents have the choice of either leaving or becoming citizens a real difficult choice.
And make that citizen test harder, I saw it a few years ago, a 2nd grader could pass it.
There was a time when you had to speak the language, know some history and really study for it.
2006-05-05 4:28 am
Because we have a president who is too ignorant to secure the borders & keep the illegals OUT. THAT is why they come here... because they can get it. Thank Goddess for the Minutemen Project!
2006-05-05 4:27 am
I totally agree, everyone is proud of their culture and ancestry but you do not see different cultures carrying around flags from the country their ancestors came from. What is the sense of having an American Flag or the National Anthem. This is America carry an American Flag. If you love your country that much go back there..
2006-05-05 4:12 am
Damn straight.!

Because they do not love their countries, They love OUR country... That's right, unless you were born here or have legal documentation you don't need to be here.. They love our country because we make their lives to easy... And it is time that our government get it right, get it under control, and fix this already disastrous problem, before they do make it their country...
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Better opprtunities. You can be proud of you heritage and culture, but upset with your government... so you decide to leave for a better life in the US.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
You said it girl!
2006-05-05 4:10 am
I have always felt and still do that this is a tactical invasion (planned well by the Mexican Government) to take over at least part of the U..S.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Many people do love their home countries, but come to the United States to help support their families. I don't see anything wrong or hypocritical in that, I see love in that.
2006-05-05 5:02 am
Why do Americans go to other countries to live like UK or Germany and yet are still proud of the United States? Same reason. People could come here for better opportunities or a better life. Or they could be here seeking adventure or a different life. They are still part of their country, its where they are from, people like themselves are from. They have been coming here for a decade or so, but no one cared during the 90s, because they took the jobs we didnt want, now all of a sudden, jobs are tight, so some people want to send them back. As much as it is your country, it is theirs too. Its just you have one home, they have two and are really proud of it.
2006-05-05 4:48 am
"Immigrants in past centuries came here to become Americans, not to remain foreigners, much less to proclaim the rights of their homelands to reclaim American soil, as some of the Mexican activist groups have done.... Today, immigrant spokesmen promote grievances, not gratitude, much less patriotism.
2006-05-05 4:21 am
Many people come to this country to take advantage of some aspect of our country. Many come here to send money home.

People should come to the USA to become Americans. And come here legally.
2006-05-05 4:16 am
This is because in there patriotic just LIKE YOU they like there country and background they come from they only come to America because they see how comfortable and lazy and how they don't do anything in American and you can make a lot of money so they come here some stay but MOST OF them go back to there country because they don't like America. See the only reason people come here is they want to get rich and America is rigth now he powerhouse of money so that's what attracts them all. Just watch when the European unions currency increases more above the dollar people will start going to Europe for money there is even American company looking to do business there instead of the USA for the future
2006-05-05 4:15 am
Immigrants come to America to find a better life than the injustices that go on in their countries. (i.e. I came from Cuba, but I'm not bitching about this great country, b/c it's 100000 times more advantageous than where I was born.)

Now, on the other hand, immigrants who come to America to have 5 children and declare themselves single mothers to get their big fat welfare checks and food stamps while sit at home all day w/o a job living off our dollars... and THEN wanna ***** about the government without lifting a finger to do anything about it... now THAT'S another story.

I don't agree with that closed-minded racist attitude of "Immigrants stay in your country" b/c this is a free country, and let me remind you that all Americans once had ancestors come this country. So technically, you're of immigrant descent too, unless you're a Native American.
2006-05-05 4:14 am
Illegals draw welfare by stealing people's social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits.

My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.

If you go to a country and refuse to assimilate, continuing to speak your own language then you are really not an immigrant -- you're a colonist ... and that's what the Mexicans are doing, they're colonizing the American Southwest as part of their "reconquista" Read about mecha in the link I provided and you'll see what the Mexicans real agenda is.

2006-05-05 4:14 am
I would agree the prospect of more money makes them come here. It is not just for war-torn / governmental reasons. Even if its comparitvely 'less' than the local americans make, it is still more than that of their home countries.

Let's take the governmental reasoning. I'm going to take China and Falun Gong as an example. (I do not have a chinese heritage nor do I have relateives practising Falun Gong). A few relatives of yours is taken hostage because they practised Falun gong by the government and subsequently killed. Everybody is oppressed. Sure, some stand up but they are quickly silenced. What do you do? You love your country so much but you dont want to leave, but you can also stay and obey the government and be a sheep all yoru life. So many would prefer to can run and save enough money in another country to ship your relatives over as well so they can choose to practise what they want. People outside of America have a concept that Americans will treat them good. The land of freedom. What they get is different in some cases.

Everyoen has their views, and have their own 'evidence' to support it. The important thing is that everyone must keep an open and unbiased view when reading other people's opinions. I have read your view and I can understand your point of view. You have let these immigrants in with open arms and you feel that you are not getting the same 'love' in return. Americans have been raised to fight for freedom at all costs, which is why (i believe) you can easily tell other others to stand up for their rights too. In other countries, people have been raised differently, and some dont even know their own rights, and cant grasp the concept of fighting to the death for their freedom rights.

Is that enough dribble? I don't even live in America anyway nor know about the immigration situation enough to make a more detailed comment.
2006-05-05 4:14 am
anyone can be rich here.
2006-05-05 4:14 am
The cash to put certain system that keep the western countries going can not be put into place. Everyone moans about there country regardless of how patriotic they are to it, if your country was so great, why would you need to go on holiday...?
2006-05-05 4:12 am
cause they know the second they walk into a welfare office here in America, they will soon receive a check, food stamps, etc for free!!
2006-05-05 4:12 am
I agree with Confused. A person can love his country, and still go elsewhere to look for work, better opportunities, greener pastures. It is often economic reasons that prompt them to go to the US. They wish to feed their families well, give their children a chance for a better life. Is that so bad?
2006-05-05 4:12 am
They come for our welfare system.
Who else is going to give them housing, foodstamps, and pay them more money everytime they have another baby?

*Reality Check*
2006-05-05 4:12 am
For money, ande they say like this because they are shamed.
2006-05-05 4:12 am
for a better life for them and their kids
2006-05-05 4:11 am
People are allowed to be proud of the country they come from. Who wants a bunch of losers with low self esteem?

Still, I agree with you about coming here then turning on us because we don't manage things as they like them.

Can't say I'm fond of your language though.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
They come here because we give them free stuff.
參考: 12 million illegals
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Ha ha. Good point. LOL. I think we should invade them and demand there money and housing. See how they like it.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Money. You know you would hire them if you wanted people to do Landscaping and cleaning of the cars and buildings.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
There is no good paying jobs there
2006-05-05 4:10 am
I agree with the point, but not the attitude.. i understand your outrage.. but be expecting hate mail. honey.. but i do agree with the stand up for your own country thing.. peace sista..
2006-05-05 4:10 am
for the same reason as the founding fathers and so many other immigrants came--escape from religious,political and societal persecution,and the promise of a better life
2006-05-05 4:10 am
I think they are proud of there heritage not necessarily there country. The main reason is they live in homemade huts and make .50 an hour at best.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
intersting point............but kind of harsh
2006-05-05 4:09 am
2006-05-05 4:09 am
For money...America is rich...
2006-05-05 4:48 am
It's not their contry they're proud of, it's their heritage. As should everyone. And I wouldn't speak about yourself that way. That's right you're an immagrant.


A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.

And that's just what your ancestors did. So you are no different from those you speak of. And from the information that I have gathered, it's not immagrants that s h i t all over us. I mean do you hear yourself? Oh, and by the way, if they are an American citizen, they are AMERICAN! The only reason they do so is to have a chance to live their lives how all humans should, with freedom. I mean have you ever stepped foot inside a school? All the malnutrition, slavery, and things you couldn't even imagine. I mean imagine just for one second that you had a family and children in those conditions. What would you do? "be brave and stand up to the unethical things that go on in your country" as you said. You are just so spoiled and have no idea what these people go through every day. You speak of them as if they were not even HUMAN! Like just because you are white and they are black or latin, that you are of a greater being or something. You're just like HITLER! You're a preguduce and think everyone should be white, have the same religion, have the same opinions, ect. I mean that is what you're saying, isn't it? That other cultures and religions from OTHER COUNTRIES don't belong here. You're part of the KKK, aren't you? Imagine what this country would be like. It wouldn't even exist, except for Indians and the natural land, because Christopher Columbus was, yes, a immagrant. Got you're so apprenticed, benighted, bird-brained, blind to*, cretinous, dense, green*, illiterate, imbecilic, inexperienced, innocent, insensible, mindless, misinformed, moronic, naive, nescient, oblivious, obtuse, sappy, shallow, thick, unaware, unconscious, unconversant, uncultivated, uncultured, uneducated, unenlightened, uninformed, uninitiated, unintellectual, unknowledgeable, unlearned, unlettered, unmindful, unread, unschooled, unsuspecting, untaught, untrained, unwitting, and witless. If you don't know what those words mean, to bad for you because you can't look in a thesaurus. It might have made by some Mexican. You shouldn't even be on the internet because I bet you any amount of money, that the person who invented it was of some foriegn country. And you wouldn't like that would you. This issue, at least it is in your mind, is way over your head. You have no idea what you're talking about, so please do me a favor and shut up.

And go ahead and pick the person who agrees with you as Best Answer. I'd say the same thing to them. I do not even know why I wasted my time trying to explain this to you. And for what? 2 points? Whatever...
2006-05-05 4:44 am
2 things

1) Your logic is so unbelievabley skewed, its not even funny, i'll tell you why: There is no absolute correlation between the love for one's homeland and the reasons for immigrating to the US.

2) I'll answer your question, but certainly in a more respectful tone than you. People love their motherlands, but it does not eliminate the fact that there may not be ample opportunity for success there. A personal example: My dad is from India, and he loves his country to death. However, he recognized that he had a better chance of advancing in his industry here than he did there. As a result he came here to work at Pfizer Corp. and runs the projects to make the medicines that mostly Americans use. Now, he didn't leave because of unethical occurences in his country which he does LOVE oh so much, but rather to succeed. your second point was that people were too "p*ssy" to stand up for their own rights. Lets talk about this for a bit. Do you think that you could stand up by yourself to stop immigration, as you seem to hate it so much? Are you standing up to Congress? I'm assuming you love this country, but I have a feeling you would say yes. However, I don't think you are doing either of those. In that case, where in the hell do you get the logic that people are too scared to stand up to gov. injustices, if they even exist? You should really think about the merit of your question before you waste my time again.
2006-05-05 4:27 am
I gather that you really hate your ancestry and your foreparents country of origin.

People had been maigrating for ages for better opportunity and they still are. But all these people are very proud of their past and all for very good reasons. If Americans are so content with what they have, why are the in every corner of the world. They are everywhere with the deadliest weapons mankind has ever seen.

I have seen Italian Ameriacans or Irish Americans of 3rd/4th/5th generations supporting the Italian/Irish soccer teams during 1994 Soccer World cup held in the United Sates. I find this very normal.
2006-05-05 4:13 am
Immigrants are proud of their background, culture, and families. They come to America to find a better life for themselves. They find it hard to be accepted at times so they will not let themselves open up to Americans and be friendly. And how could you blame them with that kind of attitude that you demonstrate. There is nothing wrong with loving your background even if it is not working out and you are forced to find a better life for you and your family that you care about.
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Are you serious really asking this, i feel dumber for reading your question. If your native american then i will accept your answer but if otherwise you cannot hate on any immigrant because your ancestors were immigrants to this great nations seeking opportunity of a better life for themselves and their families
2006-05-05 4:10 am
i think your man being away is causing you toooo much sexual frustration... get a dildo or something...
2006-05-05 4:10 am
Ok. Um i kind of agree with you but the cursing was unneccessary and just makes your point sound childish.
2006-05-05 4:09 am
They are proud of where they come from, but they realize making a life in America can be easier and more profitable. You have no right to judge others who most likely suffer hardships you and I may never encounter

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