Is there any way to sign in yahoo messenger usuing 2 yahoo id's?

2006-05-01 6:41 pm
Is there any way to sign in yahoo messenger usuing 2 yahoo id's. Can any one tell me how to sign in yahoo mesenger same time usuing 2 yahoo id's??

回答 (3)

2006-05-01 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yea! I know what you're talkin about. Go to yahoo mail-> then go to options and then hit "add" make a new id and then when you log in you have 2 ids loggin in at the same time. and whnever you wanna talk to a person, there is a option on yahoo messege IM's , hit there you'll find you're new ID!
2006-05-01 7:08 pm
Yes, you can make 2 or more usernames on YIM on the same account
2006-05-01 6:46 pm
You would only be able to do this using 2 computers

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