Are you scared?

2006-04-27 4:17 pm

回答 (14)

2006-04-27 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nice question.....i like it VERY MUCH!!
2006-04-28 2:12 am
Only by your avatar...

參考: The voices in my head...
2006-04-27 11:38 pm
I really like ur question.
ask MORE questions like this!I would answer all of'em...
2006-04-27 11:36 pm
i have complete faith in ALLAh . so i only afraid of him . i know he will never let me down before any creature. i am close to my religion , when i was not that much close i do scared of death, people bad cursy eyes. etc. know i am totally relaxed. i have patience.
2006-04-27 11:35 pm
nope, what should i be scared of?
2006-04-27 11:28 pm
Scare of u no!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-04-27 11:28 pm
scared of your Yahoo avatar?
2006-04-27 11:25 pm
I don't think so... but that could change
2006-04-27 11:24 pm
ahah, help me please!
2006-04-27 11:22 pm
Of questions like this, yes!!!!
2006-04-27 11:21 pm
Only of the inevitable....death and taxes.
2006-04-27 11:20 pm
2006-04-27 11:18 pm
hellz naw
2006-04-27 11:17 pm

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