number 8 for Chinese people is a good or bad number?

2006-04-27 3:45 pm

回答 (5)

2006-04-27 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good number.
'8' signifies 'to become rich'.
2016-12-19 8:30 am
i think of a few Filipinos ( no longer maximum Filipinos ) evaluate the form 8 (8) as a fortunate form by way of chinese language impact. For a chinese language, 8 (8) is a fortunate form, by way of fact in China the form 8 ability fortune. The pronunciation of the form 8 in Guang Dong Province in China is extremely like the pronunciation of 'Fa' this is between the chinese language be conscious and ability fortune. Have an outstanding day !
2006-04-28 11:27 pm
I like the number 3 . and 33 .. sometimes even 9.. but 8 sucks
2006-04-27 9:55 pm
is number 9 good for Italians ?
2006-04-27 3:52 pm
I don't know but who cares, Irish people are better!

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