is there any training for caregivers in Canada?

2006-04-25 3:49 am
what is the training about? on what aspects?
Please let me know if there is somewhere on the net I can go to for more information.

Thanks in advance as I am asked to find out the information about the trainning and if I dont, I may get sacked...thanks a lot!!!

回答 (1)

2006-04-25 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Oh yes there are many many places and types of education for caregivers. It all depends on what area you want to go to. Elderly, children, special needs and many more. Google caregivers or go to Universities and/or colleges here in Canada. I am in that buisness myself, actually in the midst of changing my career to be in that area. If you need more detailed information, feel free to email me and we can talk more about what it is you are looking for.Good luck and enjoy!Ps why would you get sacked for NOT getting the information?????

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